From the esophagus to the stomach, the small intestine and then the large intestine, mucosal damage in any part will lead to the occurrence of diseases, such as chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, including inflammatory bowel disease, and even gastrointestinal bleeding.
It is important to protect our gastrointestinal mucosa.
The gastrointestinal tract has the largest mucosal surface and is the largest barrier organ in the human body.
The mucosal barrier is not just on the surface, it's a three-dimensional structure. And gastrointestinal mucosal damage can occur at any age, should not be underestimated.
How's your stomach?
There are two main reasons for gastrointestinal problems during holidays: first, irregular diet, overeating or excessive drinking can damage gastrointestinal mucosa; Second, staying up late leads to lack of sleep, excessive excitement or tension, etc., and bad living habits and emotions will also cause damage to the mucosa.
Dietary habits, drugs, mood and other factors can affect the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier.
Experts said that spicy food, drinking, pickled food, etc., will damage the gastrointestinal mucosa. In addition, we should grasp the degree of diet and life, and protect our gastrointestinal tract as much as possible.
According to reports, there are roughly four clinical symptoms caused by mucosal injury: first, there will be pain; The second is indigestion caused by abdominal distension, poor appetite; The third is gastrointestinal motility abnormality; Fourth, if the mucosal injury leads to a deeper ulcer, it may cause bleeding.
In general, the most common mucosal injury disease is chronic gastritis.
Gastritis is the inflammation of gastric mucosa caused by various reasons, which is the reaction process of gastric mucosa to various injuries, including epithelial injury, mucosal inflammatory reaction and epithelial regeneration.
It can usually be divided into acute gastritis, chronic gastritis and special type gastritis. In addition, the more common mucosal injury diseases include ulcer disease and enteritis.
It is worth mentioning that Helicobacter pylori can damage gastric mucosa through a variety of mechanisms.
The reason is that Helicobacter pylori can break through the defense barrier in the stomach and settle in the gastric mucosa for a long time, and then secrete various pathogenic factors, induce the body's inherent immunity and adaptive immune response, cause local inflammatory cells to release various inflammatory factors, promote the activation of inflammatory signaling pathways, cause the body's microenvironment to be disturbed and the body's immunity to be reduced, and thus induce mucosal damage.
The harm of mucosal injury is very extensive, which can affect gastrointestinal peristalsis, lead to digestive and absorption dysfunction, and even lead to gastrointestinal bleeding when the injury is serious.
Long-term mucosal injury in children can lead to poor digestion and absorption, resulting in delayed growth and development.
Adults will cause a loss of nutrients, such as long-term damage, poor digestion and absorption, which will lead to the aggravation of the primary disease.Oral ulcer everyone is not unfamiliar, then gastrointestinal mucosal injury how to do?
Gastrointestinal mucosal damage can not be seen or touched, and it is similar to the treatment of oral ulcers, mainly to eat light, do not eat irritating food, small stuttering, chewing slowly, conducive to digestion and absorption.
How to apply mucosal protectant rationally in clinic?
Mucosal protective agents can be divided into endogenous and exogenous agents. Due to the three-dimensional structure of mucosal protection, endogenous mucosal protective agents promote mucosal repair after absorption, act on different targets of mucosal barrier, and provide protection in various directions. Exogenous mucosal protective agent one can neutralize stomach acid, while forming a protective film on the stomach surface, generally acting quickly, we are more familiar with aluminum magnesium carbonate is a very classic exogenous mucosal protective agent.
The treatment course of mucosal protective agents should be determined according to the etiology of mucosal injury and the different mechanisms of mucosal protection. Experts said that occasionally due to improper diet lead to stomach discomfort, such as stomach pain, stomach acid, bloating, etc., it is recommended to buy mucosal protective agents in drugstores, such as symptoms do not improve, should go to the hospital for standardized guidance of drug use.