"We will strengthen the prevention of conflicts and disputes at their source, front-end resolution, and control of key points."

In February 2021, the 18th meeting of the Commission for Deepening Overall Reform of the CPC Central Committee deliberated and adopted the Opinions on Strengthening the Governance of the Source of Litigation and Promoting the Resolution of the Source of Conflicts and Disputes, clearly proposing that "the construction of the rule of law should not only grasp the end, treat the disease, but also grasp the front end, treat the disease" and "strengthen the prevention of the source of conflicts and disputes, front-end resolution, and threshold control."

【 Story of Good Governance 】

Not long ago, in a community on Zhonghua Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Province, residents blocked the entrance to the property, clamoring to put the park back in place: "The grass in the yard was half as high as a man, the fire escape was invisible, and none of the roads were level."

Soon, Wang Jing, member of the political and Legal committee of Zhonghua Road Street, also called the relevant personnel of public security, fire protection, urban management, etc., to solve the problem one by one: grass-shaved shaved head, square brick resurfacing, illegal construction demolition, street lights are fully lit, debris is cleaned up, and the fire channel is let out...

The community is small, connected to thousands of households. Zhonghua Road street covers an area of 10.9 square kilometers, distributing 34 communities and 200,000 people. It is the commercial center of Ganjingzi District, with many buildings and businesses, and it is difficult to govern. How to manage, the community has a way - to turn the most difficult thing for the masses into the most convenient thing, so that the community "supply side" and the people "demand side" accurately match.

"Be willing to serve the people and settle disputes", at the beginning of 2021, Ganjingzi District created a "reconciled" contradiction risk adjustment operation system. This system brings together resources such as grid personnel, full-time people's mediators, community police officers, prosecutors, judges, psychological counselors, and parallel online and offline to achieve closed-loop management of the whole process of grid matter discovery and disposal.

"How to deal with security risks, regardless of whether to wait for hidden dangers to escalate, conflicts to break out, and to deal with them according to law after they touch the legal bottom line to form a case?" Wang Jing said that doing so may seem simpler from the procedure, but if you can take the initiative to work and solve the problem in time, you can minimize the harm to the people.

"Mediation before litigation" is an innovative work in the grassroots social governance of Ganjingzi District. Street full-time people's mediators rush to the forefront, into hundreds of homes, know hundreds of feelings, hundreds of grievances, hundreds of things.

The district has also continuously standardized mediation procedures and documents, sent full-time people's mediators to the court in turn to learn, coordinated the Ganjingzi District Court to select posts of judges for the Zhonghua Road street, and grouped them in the form of "judge workstations". More parties resolve disputes through non-litigation means, effectively strengthening the connection between the court and the grassroots, and saving judicial resources for the country.

In the past two years, the "reconciled" system has handled 3,779 cases of various disputes, with a success rate of 99.29%, of which 442 have accumulated contradictions and disputes for more than two years.

【 Reporter observation 】

To benefit the people, silk hair will prosper. People's needs for food, clothing, housing, transportation, health, old age, illness and death, living and working in peace and contentment, as well as the prevention and resolution of various contradictions, are inseparable from the full play of the role of the community. By constantly improving the comprehensive mechanism for the prevention, adjustment and resolution of multiple social contradictions and disputes, people can have a place to "find a way" when they encounter problems, and effectively solve contradictions in the bud and at the grassroots level. Only when grassroots governance is strong, orderly and effective, and when the "needle" of the grassroots is used to thread the tens of millions of "threads" from above, can a splendid picture of the "governance of China" be embroidered.

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