The Chinese-style modernization has shown the broad prospect of scientific socialism

Two modernization paths, two modernization theories and practices are implemented in the same time series. The developed capitalist countries, with their strong material and especially technological foundations,

have adhered to the first-stage modernization model, which has produced certain results, and modernization as a process continues to develop in these countries. The socialist countries of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe actively promoted the theory and practice of socialist modernization,

that is, the second stage of modernization, and also made great achievements. However, due to insufficient theoretical preparation for socialist modernization and limited practical experience,

in particular, socialist modernization was implemented and promoted in countries with relatively backward material and technological foundation. In the early stage of socialist modernization, under the enormous pressure of fierce competition with capitalist modernization,

socialist modernization encountered difficulties and setbacks, such as the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries in Eastern Europe. It is the historical result of the competition between two modernization roads and two modernization theories and practices.

However, the road of socialist modernization, the theory and practice of socialist modernization, will not fail because of the setbacks of some countries. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,

the Chinese people have held high the banner of socialist modernization, explored a path of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, and finally blazed a path of Chinese modernization and formulated Chinese modernization theory and practice.

The achievements of this road, this set of theories and practices, compared with the Western road of capitalist modernization, especially with the results of some developing countries choosing the road of capitalist modernization,

show great superiority and obvious comparative advantages, and prove that national modernization can be successfully promoted without recourse to the road and plans of modernization provided by Western "teachers".

Even greater modernisation can be achieved. "The Party has led the people to successfully walk out of the Chinese-style modernization road, created a new form of human civilization,

expanded the path of modernization for developing countries, and provided a new choice for countries and nations that want to speed up development while maintaining their independence," the resolution said.

The Chinese-style modernization has shown the broad prospect of scientific socialism

The Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization, which is the application and development of scientific socialist theory and practical principles in China. The great practical achievements and theoretical significance of Chinese-style modernization are the flowering of the basic principles of scientific socialism on the land of China.

According to the development law of historical logic, the Chinese-style modernization road and the Chinese-style modernization theory can overcome the defects of other modernization roads and theories.

The existing path and theory of capitalist modernization cannot be said to be unsuccessful, but this success has a very important prerequisite: it relies on colonization and plunder, especially through war,

to occupy markets and plunder resources. It is clear that the preconditions for this model of modernization no longer exist for most developing countries, and that war can no longer bring modernization.

Chinese modernization is an endogenous modernization, which realizes its own modernization through its own efforts and opening up to the outside world through equal cooperation. This modernization path overcomes the modernization mode of vicious competition and eventually leads to war,

and shows the realistic possibility of socialist modernization. Chinese modernization shows the high effectiveness of socialist theory and practice. Every country is faced with a series of complex problems in contemporary and future modernization,

and the socialist principles followed by the Chinese modernization road have the theoretical structure and practical function of solving complex problems. The modernization of China is carried out under the unfavorable conditions of a large population,

not abundant natural resources, and many negative factors (national unity, territorial disputes) left over from foreign aggression. Through the road, theory and practice of socialist modernization, China has solved these historical and realistic complex problems,

which fully proves the feasibility and reliability of the road and theory of socialist modernization to solve complex problems. Human society, especially the developing countries, are faced with the same complex problems on the road of modernization in the future, which particularly requires socialist solutions like the Chinese-style modernization.

It can be predicted that as the socialist theoretical and institutional advantages of Chinese-style modernization continue to manifest, more and more countries will learn socialist modernization theory and apply socialist practice methods in the process of modernization. More and more countries and people will believe in and apply socialism, which is the future picture of world modernization.

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