blocking and encouraging people to return, and restricting travel by forced means such as centralized isolation after the community report of foreign (returning) people

The epidemic situation in China still shows the characteristics of "many points and wide coverage". Experts believe that the National Day holiday has just ended, due to the increase in people returning from visiting relatives and traveling,

coupled with the characteristics of occulting transmission and strong transmission ability of Omicrone variant, China still continues to face the risk of overseas epidemic import and local epidemic transmission, and the risk of multi-place clustering epidemic still exists.

In this regard, Lei Zhenglong, director of the Department of Transmission and Prevention of the National Disease Control Bureau and a first-level inspector, said at the recent press conference held by the joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council that all localities should adhere to the implementation of various prevention and control measures in a fast and scientific manner, and resolutely hold the bottom line of not having a large-scale epidemic.

We must resolutely prevent simplification, one-size-fits-all, and overloading

In the prevention and control of the epidemic, some netizens have reflected that there are still layers of reinforcement in individual places - not approving or responding to the community report of low-risk people,

blocking and encouraging people to return, and restricting travel by forced means such as centralized isolation after the community report of foreign (returning) people.

In this regard, the joint prevention and control mechanism of The State Council has issued a notice criticizing the behavior of layer upon layer in individual regions,

stressing that it will continue to do a good job in collecting clues, transferring and verifying, tracking and supervising, reporting and exposing, and so on, in accordance with the working mechanism of the "layer upon layer" special class.

In order to effectively safeguard the interests of the people, Lei Zhenglong stressed that it is necessary to unswervingly adhere to the general strategy of "preventing import from outside and preventing rebound from inside" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearing",

resolutely prevent simplification, one-size-fits-all and layers of code, and guide the safe and orderly flow of personnel. Provinces with outbreaks should step up efforts to deal with the epidemic and prevent the spread of the epidemic, and realize social zero as soon as possible.

Ensure smooth and orderly transportation network

At present, the epidemic is still occurring in some parts of the country. Affected by the epidemic, the problem of excessive control of freight vehicles will still occur sporadically in some areas.

"In particular, in the case of sudden clusters of epidemics in individual regions, measures such as region-wide static management have been taken to restrict the passage of trucks' across the board ', affecting the transportation guarantee of key materials."

Han Jinghua, deputy director of the Department of Transport Services of the Ministry of Transport, said that the Ministry of Transport gave full play to the role of the Office of the Leading Group of The State Council's logistics and logistics work,

went all out to do a good job in the work of transportation and logistics, ensure the smooth transportation of various key materials, and provide strong support for maintaining the normal production and life order of the people.

Han Jinghua said that in order to ensure the smooth and orderly traffic network, adhere to 24-hour duty, keep emergency transportation support phone unblocked, strengthen tracking scheduling and supervision of transfer.

To guide all localities to further standardize the procedures and requirements for closing and shutting down transportation logistics infrastructure, and resolutely prevent unauthorized closing and closing of transportation logistics infrastructure such as expressways, general highways, railway stations, ports, airports, and postal delivery distribution centers.

Scientifically and accurately delineate risk areas and make dynamic adjustments

"After the outbreak of the epidemic, all localities should scientifically and accurately delineate risk areas and make dynamic adjustments, strictly implement management requirements in accordance with regulations,

clarify the team of specialized personnel responsible for the supply of basic living materials for residents, and especially prevent food safety incidents." Special medical institutions should be designated to provide medical services for residents in high - and medium-risk areas and to facilitate medical treatment for special groups."

Lei Zhenglong pointed out that the infrastructure of the centralized isolation site should meet the current national standards for building safety, fire safety, earthquake prevention and other requirements,

strictly regulate the management of isolation points, and strictly prevent cross-infection. For special groups who are assessed not suitable for centralized isolation, home isolation measures can be taken,

and for those who are not suitable for isolation in single rooms, appropriate personnel should be designated to accompany them. When centralized or home isolation measures are taken, the door must not be locked outside.

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