Hong Kong girl, mainland Fortune 500

Donnie Yen with his daughter Zhen Jiru resounding Paris socialite party, sensational network. The Donnie Yen family dressed up in costumes, and Zhen Jiru also stole the show, dancing with her father and later performing her own single.

After graduating in the United States, Zhen Jiru announced her debut, signed to SONY Records, and released her own single. Relying on her parents to send resources, she is also going very smoothly in the entertainment industry.

However, Zhen Jiru's ultimate goal is not necessarily in the entertainment circle, perhaps she will sooner or later, like her mother and aunt, marry into a wealthy family through the identity of a socialite.

Zhen Jiru's aunt Wang Yuanyuan also took this route. Wang Yuanyuan first entered the entertainment industry through the entertainment resources of her sister and brother-in-law, became a small star, and then she successfully married CAI Jiazan, the son of CAI Zhiming, the king of toys, through the identity of a socialite.

CAI family assets up to 60 billion, CAI Jiazan is CAI Zhiming's only son, Wang Yuanyuan is also a top luxury wife. After her marriage, Wang Yuanyuan was considered by the media to be the happiest wife of Hong Kong's rich family. CAI Gazan is young and handsome, and the future is the successor of 60 billion yuan. After Wang Yuanyuan got married, she naturally gave up her star status.

When the Wang Yuanyuan sisters first returned to Hong Kong, many media reported that their parents were wealthy jewelry merchants in Canada, thinking that they were the daughters of rich families.

But in fact, I later learned that the Wang family in Canada is only opened two or three jewelry stores, not a rich family. Although wealth is not a rich family, but the mother has been Wang Yuanyuan sisters as a socialite training. Every move is based on the standard of rich daughters to cultivate, the purpose is naturally to let them marry into rich families.
In fact, in the Hong Kong circle, unconsciously formed a fake socialite cultivation industry chain. Wang Yuanyuan sister is still good. King Guo's wife is a typical example. In the past few years, some beautiful girls from the mainland went to Hong Kong to develop, and then entered the upper class as socialites, and eventually married rich stars.
Last year, there was a sensational case of dismembered bodies in Hong Kong, and the identity of the victim, Tsai Tianfeng, was also suspected by many people. The so-called mainland rich merchant daughter high probability is also human.

To put it bluntly, it seems that some people have an insight into the needs of Hong Kong's rich families, and then mass-produce some celebrities to meet the needs of these rich families and wealthy businessmen.

In fact, this is the same truth with the mainland world's top 500. Many people may find that, seemingly out of nowhere, in the mainland, from the government to the media, and then to the general public are extremely obsessed with the World's top 500.

If a company gets the title of the world's top 500, it seems to have some kind of attraction in the hearts of the people and government leaders, and product sales and projects will become very easy.

So some companies began to use the name of the world's top 500 with ulterior motives. The world copper king in Shenzhen, he made the company into the world's top 500 in 12 years. And then he used that name to buy land everywhere.

The routine is very simple, first make a world 500, and then use this name to go to some third - and fourth-tier cities to engage in investment. These small places have very large demand for investment, and when they see the other side is the world's top 500, they naturally think it is a big deal.

The world copper King also caught the psychology of these leaders, so at the beginning, he said that he would invest tens of billions, or even tens of billions. These leaders naturally made him a guest, and then he asked for cheap land and tax subsidies from these places. They will even let the local government grant some cheap real estate land to them on the excuse that the investment is too big.

After they got the land, some of it was transferred to a large company for development, and the money was shared among them, while some were mortgaged directly to the bank to set up a large amount of cash.

Why Evergrande want to engage in new energy vehicles, in fact, the routine is the same. Evergrande Motor has taken a lot of real estate land before. Xu Jiayin even publicly said that Evergrande's advantage in engaging in new energy vehicles is that it can get subsidies for cheap real estate land.

The ranking of the World's top 500 is based on revenue, but if you are an unlisted company, how much revenue is reported by yourself. It's a routine. It's like a Hong Kong girl.

Mainland companies attract the world's top 500 companies, while Hong Kong celebrities take advantage of the Paris celebrities party. In fact, the Paris socialite party is known as the world's top ten famous family party, but in the end, what top foreign socialite participated in it is rarely reported. Spend money on the party, and then make some news in the entertainment industry, taking the opportunity to blend in with the upper class, looking for prey.

Some scam companies in the mainland are also a routine, spending money on the world's top 500, and then using this name to flunk. The same goes for rich lists. How many real rich people are on the list? The fake rich are busy topping up the list.

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