"Cultural Continuity · Dunhuang, China" series fashion show

When a beam of strong light is lit in the dark curtain, the models wearing luminous hoodies step out with a solid and powerful pace, they are like future warriors in the star river, introducing us to another parallel dune world.

Jeanswest Huang Gang 2024 Autumn/Winter series show shocked the audience with a cool opening, telling the aesthetic story of sand dunes.

This fashion show is presented in Beijing. The theme of Daxiu is "Cultural Continuity · Dunhuang, China". The designer Huang Gang draws inspiration from the movie "Dune" and combines with the Oriental aesthetic treasure house that has been alive and well for thousands of years -- the legendary Dunhuang civilization in the desert. The designer skillfully uses Dunhuang elements, dune contors, sand texture and natural colors, and uses contemporary aesthetic art language. Across time and space to present a very "Oriental aesthetics" of the non-heritage trend of men's wear.

With four series of "Tracing to the source", "inheritance", "Vientiane" and "Living", this conference is gradually launched, and through the gradual sublimation from the surface to the inside, from form to God, from meaning to rhyme, it reveals the continuous and circular, endless growth and time-honored naturalism and Dunhuang spirit.

It is worth mentioning that this big show especially joined hands with blue Beauty, with a set of "intangible cultural heritage + technology + fashion" combination, to achieve the "not break" national tide design initiative.

Reconstruct sand dunes and explore Dunhuang

For the theme of this season, the designer Huang Gang cleverly lets the time-space dialogue play out in the horizon of history and the future. His inspiration comes from the movie Dune, in his view, the earth is becoming increasingly dry, the future world will be "yellow sand everywhere." Under such circumstances, countries will do their utmost to protect world cultural heritage.

In Dunhuang, generations of Mogao Grottoes guardians have devoted their efforts to the ancient civilization and created the Oriental experience of cultural heritage protection. At the end of the day, Dunhuang will offer the world a "Chinese solution" for the protection of cultural heritage, ultimately allowing the continuation of human civilization.

Different from the ruined land of the last days, this design continues the joint cooperation between Jeanswest and Dunhuang Museum, deeply refining and creating the elements of Dunhuang cultural and artistic treasures. Huang Gang will continue the Dunhuang art in the dunes of China for more than 2,000 years, collides with the futuristic "dune" aesthetics, and makes the Oriental aesthetics blossom more unique charm in the contemporary era.

He further digs into the graphic elements of Dunhuang art, such as nine-colored deer, Acting Lotte, and gods and monsters, and seamlessly integrates them with the design of future science fiction colors and high-tech materials.

And the use of embroidery, hand-painted, high-definition digital direct spray, combined with cool and crisp printing and jacquard tannin fabric, express the collision of traditional and modern, east and West integration of the design concept, presenting China's "retro futurism" new style.

Intangible heritage innovation and technology shine

As far as the designer Huang Gang is concerned, the activation of intangible cultural heritage and contextual continuity has always been the starting point of his creation. From Chinese characters, Chinese knots, Chinese dyes, Chinese Zhuang brocade, Chinese fragrant gauze to the historical changes of Dunhuang culture, his design thoughts not only extend the inner vein of eastern aesthetics, but also come from the insight and interpretation of the changes of The Times.

In today's new quality productivity has become a hot word, technology and fashion are intertwined and integrated in an unprecedented way.

In order to inject more sense of science and technology into Dunhuang elements, the design of this season is especially cooperated with Lanmei Textile, a textile company focusing on high-tech innovation, which applies aero-grade temperature control materials to fashion design. Innovative fabrics made of silky air conditioning yarn, warm sheep constant temperature yarn and warm and comfortable yarn have cooler, warmer and more comfortable characteristics, even when walking on the dunes and walking in the Dunhuang Grottoes. Not afraid of climate change.

Huang Gang said that the addition of "science and technology" to "fashion" is not only the respect and reconstruction of the traditional hand-made clothing process, but also the enthusiasm of designers for the emerging future lifestyle.

As the opening model of the show wore the use of space-grade two-way temperature control yarn, the newly developed luminous hoodies, combining Dunhuang elements and futurism, using the creative thinking of intangible cultural property + technology + fashion, to visually reproduce the balance between science and art, rationality and sensibility, and make the futurism more bright.

There is no limit to the tide of subversion

Through the interpretation of Dunhuang cultural elements, this fashion show intends to find a balance between traditional culture and casual wear trends, integrate the long-established Silk Road civilization into the fashion expression of Chinese people, and extend the creative space for traditional culture to innovate and export new national style.

In the view of Jeanswest and Huang Gang, the dissemination of Oriental aesthetics requires not only the innovation and reshaping of Oriental culture in combination with contemporary values, so as to achieve the harmonious unity of life style and aesthetic value, but also the absorption of foreign experience with an open vision, the formation of a diversified fashion environment based on excellent traditional Chinese culture, and the transmission of attitudes and expressions with contemporary significance to the development of world fashion.

At the same time, let the world focus on China's original power, convey the eastern aesthetics of the new era, and voice the new forces of Eastern fashion trends with high-quality original design, and take this opportunity to shape the sustainable future of the fashion industry.

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