We will adhere to dynamic zero-clearing and create favorable conditions for economic and social development

The prevention and control of the epidemic should be strict and concrete, involving all aspects, and there should be no slackening. If we are committed and responsible, we will win the protracted battle of regular epidemic prevention and control and effectively safeguard people's lives and health as well as economic and social development.Effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development

To implement the deployment of this important meeting, all regions and departments must find ways to be "efficient" and make concrete moves in "overall planning" to maximize the protection of people's lives and health, minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development, and resolutely win the double victory of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

We will adhere to dynamic zero-clearing and create favorable conditions for economic and social development

Changchun City and Jilin City, where the epidemic is more severe, have gradually lifted social controls across the city since April 28. As of the same day, Jilin Province completed the planting of food crops 14.169,900 mu, the overall planting progress was 3.82 percentage points faster than the same period last year.

Once pressed the "slow key", Shenzhen speed up the "encore". On April 27, the economic data of Shenzhen for the first quarter was announced: the gross regional product reached 706.461 billion yuan, an increase of 2.0%. The powerful pulse of the economy is returning.

This scene reminds us that since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has been the first to control the epidemic, the first to resume work and production, and the first to achieve positive economic growth among major economies in the world.

"The practice of fighting the epidemic for more than two years has proved that discovering and extinguishing the dynamic zeroing together is the right way and the effect is good." Li Bin, vice minister of the NHC, said the stable epidemic prevention and control situation has provided a favorable environment for the country to maintain economic development.

Since the end of February this year, the highly infectious Omicron variant has spread rapidly, and the epidemic has been multiple, widespread and frequent, and the prevention and control work is facing the most severe test after the defense battle of Wuhan.

In the face of the new characteristics of Omicron transmission, unswervingly adhere to the people first, life first, adhere to the prevention of imports from outside, the prevention of rebound from inside,

and adhere to the dynamic zero, China to do a good job in the comprehensive practice of development and security, and fight the war of overall epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

At present, the concentrated epidemic in Jilin and other places has been effectively controlled, the battle against zero in Shanghai has achieved initial results, and the epidemic has shown a trend of fluctuation and decline across the country.

At the same time, in the first quarter of this year, GDP grew by 4.8% year-on-year, 0.8 percentage points higher than that in the fourth quarter of last year, and the economy on the whole achieved a stable start.

The success of the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games has shown the world that as long as we are united and take scientific measures, we can balance development and security.

On April 30, the 1,900-bed Shanghai Jiahe Xinyuan Cabin was officially closed. After more than a month, this is the first municipal makeshift hospital in Shanghai to be put into use in the current epidemic and the first to close.

On the same day, the Panamanian ship "Baojing" slowly left Shanghai Nangang Port in the early morning, carrying 135 pieces of construction machinery accessories to Thailand. Shanghai has announced two batches of "white lists" for the resumption of work and production of more than 1,800 enterprises, and strives to ensure the recovery of key industrial chains such as automobiles and integrated circuits.

Strict prevention and control is in exchange for local production and life to return to normal as soon as possible, and in exchange for normal economic and social development on a larger scale and for a longer period of time.

"The purpose of preventing the epidemic is to safeguard the economy and people's livelihood, and this big and long-term account must be calculated and clearly seen." Said Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the National Health Commission's epidemic response work.

We should stick to science and precision to minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development

At present, many places are faced with the complex problems of epidemic prevention and control, eradication, and resumption of work and production, and many regions have suffered traffic obstruction and logistics congestion due to lockdown.

"Epidemic prevention and control needs to be more precise and targeted to minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development." Dong Yu, executive vice president of the China Development Planning Institute at Tsinghua University, said that the current work should be promoted with a systematic concept and a dynamic balance of multiple goals should be achieved.

-- Focusing on the word "Chang", opening up the "major artery" and "microcirculation"

To ensure the "lifeline" of logistics under the epidemic, it is necessary to reconnect the breakpoint of the supply chain as soon as possible and let the trucks run. The meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee stressed the need to adhere to the national chess,

ensure the smooth flow of transportation and logistics, and ensure the normal operation of key industrial and supply chains, anti-epidemic enterprises and key infrastructure.

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