Hamas is enlightened, Americans enjoy the "highest courtesy," and Trump has the opportunity to humiliate Biden

Palestine and Israel have just reached a temporary ceasefire agreement, "understand the king" Trump and Biden is "firefight". What's going on here? How can two white-haired old people still "bar"?

The reason is "ceasefire for hostages".

Hamas released hostages one after another, but not a single American citizen was among the dozens of hostages. This time, Trump is not calm, directly attacked Biden, this is a sad and dark period, but also disrespect for the United States.

This view, is really unique, can only say that Trump misunderstood, the truth is the opposite - Hamas is too "respect" the United States.

Israel's backer is the United States, and the only country that can really support Israel against Hamas is the United States. It can be said that the switch in this conflict is the United States. Talk to Hamas about "respect," and Americans deserve their "highest courtesy." In this case, the "value" of the American hostages is also reflected.

To put it bluntly, it is two words - leverage.

In the end of a war, win or lose, there is always a negotiation. In the process of negotiation, whether you can win more rights and interests for yourself is to see the key chips. When the United States talks about "freedom" and "democracy," the importance of the American people is self-evident.

If Hamas had handed over the "Americans" in the first place, wouldn't it have been the equivalent of taking off the protective gear on the main artery? Leave it for later, to see what happens, and it is precisely Hamas that sees who is in charge. The longer the release of the American hostages is delayed, the Biden administration may get hot and offer more in exchange.

Even a two-day extension of the temporary ceasefire would be good. In fact, this behavior of Hamas reflects the idea that it is well understood that having the Americans in hand is better than not having them. They are all "terrorism", and if they carry "Western morality", they will have trouble with themselves.

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