Huawei Mate60 series is in short supply: it is out of stock due to a large number of purchases by the army

In the recent CCTV news icon report, the supply shortage of Huawei's Mate60 series mobile phones has caused widespread concern. Many consumers have said that after seeing this report, they realized why Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones are so out of stock. It is understood that this may be due to supply constraints resulting from large troop purchases. Huawei's unique satellite communication function provides soldiers with convenient communication in remote areas, while its self-developed systems and chips also enhance information security. In order to meet the needs of national defense construction, we ordinary consumers may need to understand and support the priority needs of soldiers.

Recently, the CCTV news icon report revealed the reasons for the supply shortage of Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones, which caused the concern and questions of the majority of users. Many consumers have said that after seeing this report, they suddenly realized why the Mate60 series mobile phones are so out of stock?

It is understood that one of the possible reasons is that the phone is being purchased in large quantities by the army. The unique satellite communication function of Huawei's Mate60 series mobile phones allows it to send text and location information in remote areas without any people, and even make satellite phone calls, which is undoubtedly practical for soldiers stationed in the frontier.

In addition, Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones use the system and chip independently developed by Huawei, and do not rely on foreign technologies, so the security of information is guaranteed to a certain extent. Considering the importance of our armed forces in maintaining national security and military operations, it is undoubtedly necessary to equip them with reliable and secure communication equipment.

In the face of the shortage of Huawei's Mate60 series mobile phones, consumers may understand and support this priority procurement demand. For ordinary consumers, if there is no special need, buying other smart phones can also meet the requirements of daily use.

Although the supply is tight at present, we should be glad that Huawei Mate60 series mobile phones have won the favor of politicians and big businessmen in various countries around the world with their excellent performance and leading technology. This is not only an affirmation of the Huawei brand, but also a recognition of China's scientific and technological strength.

Therefore, we, as ordinary consumers, can perhaps understand and support the need for priority procurement by the forces. National defense construction is an important matter that every citizen should pay attention to and support, in order to ensure national defense security, we ordinary people can choose domestic mobile phones, computers and other products to reduce dependence on foreign technology, so as to protect our information security.

At this particular moment, the supply shortage of some products is inevitable. As the majority of ordinary consumers, we can also actively cooperate and understand, and leave more resources to those who need them most, such as our most lovely soldiers.

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