national or provincial key engineering project construction

In order to promote the green transformation of packaging materials, the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (company) of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region recently organized various units of the tobacco commercial system in the region to hold a discussion on plastic film reduction.

During the discussion, Guigang Municipal Bureau (company) shared the practical experience and technical achievements of brother units in the industry in the reduction of plastic film: by testing and optimizing plastic film materials of various thicknesses and materials,

accurately controlling the sealing and cutting of packaging machines, oven temperature, speed, etc., to reduce the thickness of plastic film and reduce the use of plastic film. Guilin,

Laibin, Beihai and other municipal bureaus (companies) focused on steadily promoting the reduction of plastic film and solving problems such as digestion of high thickness plastic film stock.

Guangxi District Bureau (company) requirements, further understanding of the importance of plastic film reduction work, in promoting green development while effectively reducing logistics costs;

Find the improvement method to solve the difficult points, steadily reduce the thickness of plastic film, change the traditional handling method, and reduce the damage of cigarette packaging;

Increase technical research efforts to improve the applicability of thin plastic film on packaging machines; Explore the region's tobacco commercial system plastic film centralized procurement, and constantly reduce production costs.

The implementation plan mentioned that Shanxi Youth commandos rely on enterprises, organs and institutions, counties (cities, districts), towns (streets), villages (communities), universities and other league organizations,

with young people as the main body, the Communist Youth League members as the political backbone, the number of people is generally more than 5, by a political firm, strong skills, courage to take on, experienced,

pragmatic style of team members as the leader. Under the age of 40. According to the nature, timeliness and goal of the task, different categories or combinations of youth commandos such as temporary, fixed, voluntary, professional and standing can be formed accordingly.

Temporary youth commandos: The organization form that organizes and mobilizes youth to complete temporary production tasks or special tasks, and dissolves upon completion of the tasks; Fixed youth commandos:

mainly composed of youth groups, groups, teams and posts that independently undertake production tasks, the personnel structure and work tasks are relatively fixed, and there is a sound organizational form of work system; Volunteer youth commando:

Organize young people to focus on the task of assault, use their spare time to carry out work; Professional young commandos: relying on a team with a certain level of technology and work experience, undertake professional work tasks;

Standing youth commandos: In areas or areas where accidents occur frequently and emergency rescue tasks are heavy, they are composed of young backbone forces and relevant technical personnel, and can respond quickly and deal with emergencies and major accidents.

The "Implementation Plan on Further deepening the work of young commandos in the New Era" mentions that young commandos are targeted at "urgent, difficult and dangerous re-tasks" such as cultivating and developing new quality productivity,

national or provincial key engineering project construction, and key core technology research. Young commandos should be formed in response to public emergencies such as epidemic prevention and control, natural disasters,

and accidents. Focus on important time nodes such as the May 4th Youth Day and the theme month of "Youth Safety in Production First", and focus on the formation of a group of young commandos; Individuals and collectives who have won youth May fourth MEDALS at all levels,

"two red and two excellent", youth post experts, youth civilization, youth safety production demonstration posts and other honors in the regiment should take the initiative to set up or join the youth commando team to play a demonstration role.

The youth league organizations at all levels in the province should guide the youth commando team to use the youth commando team flag in a complete and standardized manner, and can use the team flag when carrying out related activities,

holding related meetings, and producing non-commercial promotional materials and new media cultural products; Do not add any content on the team flag, and do not tamper with it; The team flag that is damaged,faded or does not meet the production specifications shall not be used;Shall not be used for commercial activities.

In the core area, a building named Butterfly Language Hall, with a total area of about 11,000 square meters, is particularly eye-catching. From the aerial photo, it looks like a butterfly about to fly.

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