the relevant departments and financial institutions are the member units

"Spring Breeze Plan" is a heavy plan announced by Jingdong Cloud 2024, which continues to upgrade in three aspects: product, price and service. At the product level, ensure the competitiveness and openness of products,

set up a customer service experience research group, and continuously optimize products according to customer feedback; In terms of price, the target specific cloud manufacturers, on the basis of the lowest actual transaction unit price of 10% lower,

to help enterprises achieve rapid price comparison; In terms of service experience, we promise to respond to customers' needs at the minute level, including free migration for customers, long product trials and so on.

Jingdong Cloud is also the first cloud manufacturer in China to put forward the price comparison of the whole network, and is also known as the "cloud computing volume king" by many people. By comparing prices, products,

timeliness and services, we can achieve real low prices and allow users to enjoy real benefits. Dare to play the whole network of low prices, from Jingdong cloud continued to press the limits of product performance, as well as through technological innovation and service optimization, the ultimate pursuit of cost-effective.

During the upcoming "Jingdong 618" period, Jingdong will invest maximum resources in the three core areas of traffic ecology, AI technology and service capabilities to help merchants grow effectively,

and Jingdong Cloud will continue to provide technical escort, so that users can buy smoothly and businesses can use it with peace of mind.Chinese commercial banks have approved 935 billion yuan of loans for "white list" projects

Xiao Yuanqi, deputy director of the State Financial Regulatory Administration of China, revealed at a regular policy briefing of The State Council on the 17th that as of May 16, commercial banks had approved 935 billion yuan of "white list" project loans according to the internal approval process.

In January this year, the State Financial Supervision Administration and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a Notice on Establishing a coordination Mechanism for Urban Real Estate Financing. Since then, the real estate financing coordination mechanism has landed quickly.

How does this mechanism work? Xiao Yuanqi revealed that the financing coordination mechanism is led by the main person in charge of the city government, the deputy mayor in charge of urban housing and finance is the deputy leader,

the relevant departments and financial institutions are the member units, and the formation of a special class to carry out centralized office. The coordination mechanism summarizes the situation of real estate projects within its jurisdiction,

reviews the "white list" projects in accordance with the conditions and standards, and urges the relevant parties to step up rectification efforts for projects that do not meet the conditions and standards for the time being, and effectively solves the corresponding problems to make them meet the conditions and standards of the "white list" projects.

The "white list" shall be voluntarily declared by the real estate project company, and the district and county of the city where it is located shall pre-examine and propose the list. The city coordination mechanism organizes screening and review,

those who meet the conditions and standards are included in the "white list", those who do not meet the conditions and standards should be rectified, promote problem solving, and form a closed-loop management mechanism.

In addition,the city coordination mechanism should be responsible for optimizing the supervision process of pre-sale funds and reasonably confirming the amount of pre-sale supervision funds. At the same time, the responsibility of real estate enterprises and real estate project companies should be compacted.

He stressed that the "white list" projects of different ownership housing enterprises are treated equally. Under the premise of controlling risks, financing support can be provided by means of new loans,

extension of stock loans, and issuance of merger and acquisition loans. The loan amount should match the construction cycle of the project, cover the funding gap of the completion and delivery of the project, promote the completion and delivery of the project, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer.

Xiao Yuanqi revealed that in the near future, the two departments will also release the Notice on Further exerting the role of urban Real estate financing coordination mechanism to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects.

Weifang Commercial School of Shandong Province led the planning of "Weifang vocational education emojis" to appear in 2024 Weifang Vocational Education Activity Week

2024 Weifang Vocational Education Week and Weifang's first vocational Education Good Goods Exhibition launch ceremony was held in Fuhua Convention and Exhibition Center. Shandong Weifang Commercial School led the planning of the "Weifang vocational education emojis" was officially released, once the line was well received.

It expresses the good wishes of an excellent teacher to the reform and development of vocational education in Weifang.

At the meeting, the "Weifang vocational education emojis" led by Weifang Commercial School in Shandong Province -- "Everyone is colorful · Small colorful phoenix", "Artisan beautiful boy · Blue boy" and "Artisan beautiful boy · Red boy" were officially released on the line.

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