Companies aim for low-cost flight-based rocket launches

Wuchang Vientiane City Project used to be the commercial center of Wuhan Yangtze River before the renovation. After the acquisition, China Resources Land conducted in-depth research on the commercial properties of the area and planned to build the largest commercial model of Wuchang Binjiang District.

Therefore, functional transformation should be carried out on the basis of the original buildings. Among them, Zhongtian Six Construction general contractor is responsible for civil construction and mechanical and electrical transformation construction.

Although it has many years of profound accumulation in the engineering construction industry, in the actual planning process of the project, it still faces difficulties such as large and scattered construction plane distribution,

many transformation areas, heavy demolition and transformation workload, tight construction period, frequent investment changes, difficult demolition and transformation of small space, and complicated adjustment and transformation of mechanical and electrical systems. In mid-October 2023, the project officially started.

This is the first commercial complex transformation project successfully delivered by Zhongtian Sixth Construction under Zhongtian Holding Group in recent years. In order to ensure the opening, the project team completed the work tasks that normally take two years in seven months.

The merchants in the shopping mall involve various types of business such as catering, supermarkets and stores. The project's mechanical and electrical specialty involves many subcontractors, and the design changes frequently,

and there are differences between the entity and the drawing model. Upgrading and maintaining integrity in this complex multi-system is like performing sophisticated medical surgery. In the electromechanical transformation of "MUJI Supermarket",

the project team added 48 sets of fan coil and fresh air system to meet the functional needs. In combination with the location of MUJI supermarket's office and shelves, BIM technology was adopted to further adjust the fire protection and air conditioning points,

and several subcontractors were coordinated to negotiate the design drawings within the limited space, so as to arrange the points in line. Ensure the best look and feel of the bare top electromechanical pipeline.

Due to the change of building function, the original 7-story indoor theater of the project needs to be changed into a storefront, which involves the demolition of large-span and large-section steel beams.

However, due to vertical transportation, floor load and working space restrictions, large-scale machinery cannot be used for demolition. The project team worked together to innovate and develop the construction process of gradual removal of large cross-section steel beams in a small space,

which is like a "minimally invasive surgery", overcoming the difficulties of traditional lifting in a small space, improving construction efficiency, ensuring operation safety, and reducing the difficulty of protecting finished products on the floor.

"Commercial transformation is a very difficult project in transformation projects. Through the successful completion of this project, we have accumulated rich experience in transformation and trained a strong transformation team."

Zhongtian six construction direct management center deputy manager and installation division manager, Vientiane city project manager Cheng Haiyin said.To build the whole industrial chain of commercial aerospace Bay Area "flying dream" set off in Nansha

The Lijian 1 Yaosan carrier rocket was successfully launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. Recently, when the 2024 "high-quality Development research trip" Guangdong theme interview activity came to the Zhongke Aerospace Industrialization Base located in Nansha District of Guangzhou,

the reporter learned that the Force Arrow One remote three launch vehicle is the first rocket produced by the base. The success of the rocket launch marks the maturity of Guangdong's commercial space industry.

Companies aim for low-cost flight-based rocket launches

Guangzhou Zhongke Aerospace Exploration Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongke Aerospace") is the first mixed ownership commercial space rocket enterprise in China.

In the base rocket assembly test plant, the reporter saw that the parts of the huge rocket arrow body are waiting to be loaded here, and will be shipped to the launch base for assembly and launch.

The Lijian 1 carrier rocket, developed by China Aerospace Corporation, has been successfully launched three times in a row, sending 37 satellites into orbit with a success rate of 100 percent. The 8-ton "Lijian 2" liquid rocket under development is scheduled to be launched within the year and will undertake cargo transport missions to China's space station.

China Aerospace takes the Lijian series carrier rocket as its core product, aiming at low-cost flight rocket launch. What's more, space tourism will also become a reality here.

With the successful development of the suborbital vehicle, in the near future, passengers will be able to take the vehicle to the Carmen Line at a height of 100 kilometers, and experience the sense of weightlessness from the Earth's gravity.

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