Shanghai: Administrative approval informed commitment management measures to implement a maximum penalty of 300,000 yuan for violation of commitment

The "only run once" system includes the following main contents: First, optimize the process of handling the license, and concentrate the various links of the original photo collection, fingerprint collection,

application materials submission, interview verification, and certificate payment, which are scattered in different time periods and different places, at the same time and in the same place. The second is the "green channel" card handling,

increasing the scope of emergency card handling matters, providing "go on" expedited card handling services for those who urgently go abroad to participate in meetings and negotiations, sign contracts,

and report for overseas study near the time, and who have lost or damaged their documents before departure. The third is "non-working day certificate", which provides office workers with Saturday,

the peak of certificate handling and the delay and peak acceptance of application services before holidays. The fourth is to "shorten the time for issuing certificates in different places", and the approval time limit for applying for exit and entry documents in different places across provinces has been shortened from 30 days to 20 days.

The fifth is "one form", a person to apply for multiple documents at the same time only need to hand in an application form, take a number, and can be sent synchronously according to the needs of the applicant.

The sixth is "one network processing", the applicant can make an appointment in advance through the Internet booking platform, so as to facilitate the applicant to apply for exit and entry documents at the exit and entry reception window according to the appointment time. At the same time, applicants can choose to send their immigration documents by Courier on a voluntary basis.

The fourth set of RMB partial notes should not be withdrawn from circulation in the market

With the approval of The State Council, the People's Bank of China has decided to stop the circulation of the fourth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 2 jiao banknotes and 1 jiao coins (hereinafter referred to as the fourth set of RMB partial notes) in the market from May 1, 2018.

Hainan: Implement visa-free policy for inbound tourists from 59 countries

With the approval of The State Council, the visa-free policy for inbound tourists from 59 countries has been implemented in Hainan Province since May 1, 2018, and the visa-free stay is 30 days.

The Regulations on Motor Vehicle Parking of Beijing require strict control of the number of motor vehicles in the functional core area of the capital and the sub-center of the city;

Road parking fees are included in the government's non-tax revenue management, and the full amount of income is handed over to the district level finance, and it is regularly disclosed to the public. The regulations will come into effect on May 1, 2018.

Shanghai: Administrative approval informed commitment management measures to implement a maximum penalty of 300,000 yuan for violation of commitment

The Measures of Shanghai Municipality for the Administration of Notification Commitments for Administrative Examination and Approval clearly stipulate that, except for matters for administrative examination and approval that directly involve public security,

ecological environmental protection, and matters directly related to personal health, life and property safety, and matters for administrative examination and approval that should be decided on the spot according to law,

For administrative examination and approval items whose approval conditions are difficult to verify in advance, can be corrected through in-process and post-event supervision, and whose risks are controllable, the examination and approval authorities may implement the notification commitment

Zhejiang: The new "three guarantees" commodity catalog implements the inclusion of intelligent products

The newly released "Zhejiang Province" "three guarantees" catalog "has made a large range of adjustments to the types of" three guarantees "catalog, and many emerging products and intelligent products have been included in the" three guarantees "catalog in recent years due to the upgrading of consumption;

Pay more attention to the protection of consumers' personal safety, and take the lead in incorporating residential elevators into the "three guarantees" catalog nationwide; The protection level is higher than the national "three guarantees" commodity standards,

Zhejiang catalogue of 35 kinds of goods are not included in the national "three guarantees", or "three guarantees" parts and "three guarantees" period of validity higher than the national "three guarantees" standard of goods.Traditional business night is also wonderful, how big is the consumption potential?

Developing the night economy is not only an important starting point for expanding new consumption areas, but also an inevitable choice to meet the people's needs for a better life.

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