Shutdown reserve 2 years, shutdown does not affect the district heating

we should do all we can. The "white list" projects of different ownership housing enterprises are treated equally. Under the premise of controlling risks, financing support can be provided by means of new loans,

extension of stock loans, and issuance of merger and acquisition loans. The loan amount should match the construction cycle of the project, cover the funding gap of the completion and delivery of the project, promote the completion and delivery of the project, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer.

Fifth, separate accounting for the "white list" projects, closed operation and management, no confusion between project funds, project funds are strictly prohibited for other purposes, to ensure that funds are used for guaranteed delivery.

Commercial banks should strictly examine the use and flow direction of credit funds, and agree with borrowers to open a project fund supervision account at the lending bank to ensure that project capital,

loan issuance, payment and disbursement, loan repayment, etc., are handled through the project fund supervision account. The pre-sale fund supervision account of the "white list" project shall be opened at the host bank.

Minghu thermal power plant is about to shut down! Will create a high quality commercial residential area

The reporter learned from Jinan Energy Group that the Minghu thermal power plant will be officially shut down and transferred recently, withdrawing from the historical stage of Jinan heating. This also marks the first solid step taken by Jinan Energy Group in the practice of coal-free heating in Jinan central urban area.

Shutdown reserve 2 years, shutdown does not affect the district heating

In order to strictly implement the work requirements of the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to orderly promote the shutdown and transfer of inefficient small coal power units and accelerate the construction of a new energy system,

Jinan Energy Group has realized the development of energy "one net" to "new" through the energy transformation and heat source iteration in accordance with the arrangements of the municipal Party Committee and the municipal government.

As the first thermal power plant in Jinan City, Minghu thermal Power Plant has been built since 1983 and suspended in 2022, and has been in service for nearly 40 years.

In recent years, focusing on the primary task of high-quality development, Jinan has adopted measures such as transformation and upgrading, elimination and closure of low-end backward heating coal-fired units and introduction of external heat to achieve the purpose of heat emission reduction and carbon reduction and green transformation acceleration,

helping the energy industry to gather growth of new quality productivity, new momentum and new advantages. Behind a series of measures, is not only warm, but also blue sky feelings for the people.

As the first central heating and cogeneration enterprise in Jinan, Minghu Thermal Power Plant was established in 1983 and has provided heating services for the central urban area for nearly 40 years.

With the increasing demand for people's living environment and air quality, as well as the continuous increase of environmental protection policies, Minghu thermal power plant has undergone several environmental protection upgrades to ensure residents warm winter.

In 2022, Minghu thermal power plant will be converted into a backup heat source plant for peak load, which will become a supplementary heating force for dealing with extremely cold weather.

"In fact, the Minghu thermal power plant has stopped heating for two years." The relevant person in charge of Jinan Energy Group said that through the "relay" method of old and new heat sources,

the group gives play to the advantages of "one net", optimise the layout of the heat source heat network in the region, give full play to the use of waste heat in Huangtai Power Plant, undertake the heating task of the original heating area of Minghu thermal power Plant,

serve the surrounding 4.7 million square meters of users, and further save energy and reduce carbon. To achieve the purpose of optimizing the energy structure.

"After full demonstration and technical data analysis, the shutdown and conversion of Minghu thermal power plant will not have an impact on district heating, and there are technical alternatives to ensure the normal heating of users in the original heating service area, with formal shutdown conditions."

The hot talk project started, and the two big foreign heat came to Jinan's aid

Sufficient and reliable new heat source is the base for Jinan Energy Group to shut down the Minghu thermal power plant and achieve both blue sky and warmth. Since last year, Jinan Energy Group has actively introduced foreign heat, cultivated new quality productivity, and enabled "One net" to "new" and "quality" to climb.

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