Digital Wanda Plaza carries 3 companion flight services, opening a new service experience

Throughout the brand summit, from the brand cooperation plan to the super business plan, and then to the smart business enabling, Wanda Business management's continuous evolution and innovation measures reflect its determination to continue to lead the industry,

but also a warm embrace and positive response to the rapid changes in the consumer market, so that the industry deeply felt that Wanda business management East close to the needs of merchants down, explore business innovation up.

The deep connection with the operation and the determination to continue to forge ahead, which undoubtedly strengthens the confidence of partners and Wanda Plaza to move forward hand in hand and create a better future.

Wanda Smart business "Digital Wanda Plaza" new debut, deepening online and offline linkage

At the Wanda Business Management East Brand Summit, the newly upgraded digital Wanda Plaza of Wanda Smart Business was also unveiled on the scene. The new digital Wanda Plaza will further integrate the traditional commercial space with big data and artificial intelligence technology,

and make a new iteration in the four dimensions of location selection, service link, social content and data interpretation. Nearly 500 Wanda plazas in the country have a corresponding online digital Wanda plaza,

connecting brand merchants with site selection, rental, shop opening, and operation of multi-scene services, deepening the online and offline linkage. Han Yang, vice president of Wanda Business Management Group and president of the Eastern District Company,

pointed out at the meeting that "Wanda Smart Business has a breakthrough change in the operation of physical business, and the core is to solve the problems of equal cooperation opportunities, two-way selection transparency and online services."

Doing business with Wanda is no longer just a single line of communication with investment personnel, but through the online platform to enjoy open, standardized high-quality services.

Brands and merchants online digital Wanda Plaza can experience Wanda business management one-stop convenient services in real time, opening a new chapter for brand merchants to experience Wanda digital location and business services for the whole time."

Digital Wanda Plaza carries 3 companion flight services, opening a new service experience

In order to better serve the needs of brand merchants, Wanda Smart Business relies on digital Wanda Plaza to launch smart location, value-added services, and three accompanying flight services to improve operation efficiency, so that brand merchants can enjoy full scene services very conveniently online, escort for store operation and brand growth.

In terms of smart location selection, Wanda Smart Business has created a new location selection method, and through the empowering of AI algorithms, it has realized the full link between the front desk display end and the background service end,

so that the location can achieve online + offline integration services in the two major scenes of "people looking for shops" and "shops looking for people", and brands and shops form a two-way rush.

In the "people looking for shops" scenario, whether brands and merchants choose projects, select shops, or find merchants, the smart business platform can make data-driven decisions, recommend the most suitable shops for brands,accurately match merchants, and push site selection reports.

In the "shop looking for people" scenario, the platform based on the national square and shop changes, real-time scan the shop characteristics, the shop directly matches the brand merchants in Wanda Smart Business brand database, and the merchants take the initiative to provide services.

Qiu Jiandi, senior president assistant of Wanda Business Management Group and vice president of Eastern Company, said: "At present, the square shops in the preparatory period and recruitment period of Wanda business management will be put on the digital Wanda Square of Wanda Smart Business at least 100 days in advance to ensure that the shops are fresh, all brands and merchants can land in Wanda Smart Business,

pay attention to and collect the intended projects, and indirectly receive the latest shop release information for the first time; The page of each digital Wanda Plaza is also equipped with a map of the business district to provide global data analysis;

All kinds of visit videos, merchant statements, third-party lists and other content also provide more reference and judgment for brands and merchants when choosing projects."

It is reported that since the launch of the platform, 2,100 brands in the Eastern District alone have found suitable shops through Wanda Smart Business and achieved cooperation with Wanda Plaza.

In terms of value-added services, Wanda Smart Business focuses on the demand scenarios of brand merchants, integrates service resources, and creates a one-stop service system of the whole chain to follow the demands of brand merchants to the end.

Since the launch of the platform, seven categories of value-added services such as brand joining, talent recruitment, store decoration, and merchant insurance have been successively launched, so that the brand can be one-stop online from the beginning of the expansion store to all aspects of the store operation.

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