The total revenue of the companies on this year's list reached $37.8 trillion, and the combined net profit reached $3.1 trillion, both new highs in the history of the list.

The total revenue of the companies on this year's list rose 19.2 percent from the previous year, the largest increase in the history of the list. Total net profit rose 88 per cent from the previous year, the biggest increase since 2004.

Chinese companies accounted for 31 percent of the total revenue of the 500 companies on the list, surpassing the United States for the first time. The US companies on the list account for 30 per cent of total revenues.

Three of the top five companies on the list are from China: State Grid, petrochina and Sinopec.

Saudi Aramco was the "most profitable company" on the list with profits of about $105.4 billion. Apple fell from the top spot on last year's list to second place, with profits of $94.68 billion.

Beijing, Tokyo, New York, London and Seoul account for nearly one-third of the total number of companies on the list.

Insurance (51), banking (44), vehicle and parts manufacturing (33), oil refining (30), and metals (27) have the most companies on the list.

The total operating income and total profit of the top 50 listed companies accounted for 31% and 33% of the total operating income and total profit of all listed companies.

Since 1995, 151 companies have never failed the list.

China and the United States accounted for nine of the top 10 companies on the profit list.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China posted a combined profit of $171.9 billion. Each of China's four largest banks has at least $4tn in assets on its balance sheet.

Japan's SoftBank Group topped the list of losers. The company posted a net loss of $15.2 billion in 2021.

Volkswagen overtook Toyota to reclaim its title as the world's largest carmaker.

If ranked by country, the United States, China, Japan, Germany and France have the highest operating revenues and profits. The total operating income and total profit of the listed companies in these five countries account for about two-thirds of the total operating income and total profit of all listed companies.

Chinese Internet giants, Alibaba and Tencent have all moved up this year's list, ranking 46th, 55th and 121st respectively. This is the highest ranking year for these three companies since they appeared on the list.

Tesla made the list for the second time, jumping 150 places to 242 this year. In 2021, the company's revenue jumped 71 percent.

Twenty-four of the companies on the list have a female chief executive, one more than the previous year.

There are seven industries with annual profit growth of at least 200% : energy, transportation, business services, media, aerospace and defense, chemicals, and automotive and parts.

The total revenue of the aerospace and defense companies on the list increased by 9%, and the total profit jumped by 298%.

The total revenue of the auto and parts companies on the list increased by 16%, and the total profit increased by 242%.

Apple, Alphabet and Microsoft have combined revenues of $232 billion.

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