Treat your breakfast well and your body will treat you well

Faced with such a problem, many people can only shake their heads helplessly.

Start your day in the morning, and eating a good breakfast is crucial to starting the day with a full energy. However, in real life, many office workers do not eat breakfast for a long time because of the shortage of time in the morning, and even some people think that not eating breakfast is convenient and lose weight, which is good.

How can we treat ourselves in a rush? Breakfast, as the first comfort and satisfaction of the initial taste buds of the day, is not the first expectation of the day? Make the most of your morning by eating breakfast.

Lose fat lose weight can not lose breakfast, do not eat breakfast can lose weight? That's not necessarily true.

Studies have found that the low blood sugar caused by skipping breakfast will stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, resulting in an increase in adipose tissue, resulting in overweight and obesity. Another study showed that people who skipped breakfast had a 55 percent increased risk of overweight and obesity, and people with a lower breakfast energy supply (0-11 percent) were also more likely to experience weight gain.

Do not eat breakfast will bring strong hunger, lunch if uncontrolled but eat more, easy to overeat, but also make people prefer high-fat and high-calorie food. Weight is related to total energy intake, so fasting can control weight. But breakfast is more important than dinner. Therefore, it is recommended that people with weight loss needs eat breakfast normally and eat less dinner, so that the impact on the body is smaller.

After a night of digestion, the stomach has been emptied, and the gastric acid and intestinal digestive fluid that are still secreted but cannot be consumed will stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, which may lead to gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases in the long run.

Not eating breakfast is also easy to cause cholestasis, cholesterol precipitation, may induce cholecystitis and gallstones. If you are fasting all morning, it can also lead to intermittent malnutrition, heart palpitations, dizziness, sweating, shaking hands and other symptoms related to low blood sugar.

These are the direct effects of skipping breakfast on the body, as well as indirect effects, such as hormone imbalances. In the absence of energy intake, the body will regulate hormones to maintain blood sugar, increase the secretion of glucagon, and cause endocrine problems, such as thyroid problems and menstrual disorders in women.

Skipping breakfast may also lead to an insufficient supply of energy needed by the brain, which has an impact on the nervous system, resulting in poor concentration and emotional fluctuations.

It can be seen that eating a good breakfast can not only meet the energy and nutritional needs of the body, but also reduce the risk of disease in the digestive system, endocrine system, nervous system and other aspects.

There are several principles of traditional Chinese medicine for diet and recuperation, among which regular eating is a very basic principle. Regular eating can ensure the rhythm of digestion and absorption, the coordination of the spleen and stomach, and the lifting and lifting are in order to ensure the adequate supply of nutrients. So eating regularly is an important way to protect digestive function.

Eating habits are three meals a day, which is in line with the "appetite number and less, do not want to eat and more" health concept. Occasionally do not eat breakfast is not a problem, but for a long time, according to the different physique and eating habits of each person, there may be fatigue, mental inconcentration and other spleen and stomach weakness, there may also be stomach distension, tongue coating and other manifestations of food accumulation, there may also be abdominal pain, stomach pain and other manifestations of qi and blood stasis.

There are many ways to reduce fat and weight, the current more popular and effective is high protein diet, 5+2 light fasting, low energy balance diet, etc., it is recommended to lose weight under the guidance of a doctor, which way to use first to evaluate the personal physical condition.

When you are healthy, it is not necessary to calculate your energy intake precisely at every meal. The calculated "calories" of food and the "calories" consumed by the human body do not exactly correspond.

Eating regularly and eating a balanced diet is more important than counting calories. There is a corresponding relationship between the comfort level of the body and health, such as "eight full" as a more comfortable body state, is scientific and reasonable.

For people who need to work night shifts or stay up late, it is not recommended to 'sacrifice' breakfast in order to sleep, but you can eat breakfast earlier or later according to your sleep schedule. However, it is not appropriate to sleep immediately after breakfast, which will increase the burden on the stomach and stomach, and may affect the quality of sleep.

Different groups of people have different needs for breakfast nutrients

What's for breakfast? Different regions, age, everyone's eating habits are different, steamed bread, fried dough sticks, noodles, steamed buns, bread and other staple foods with soy milk, porridge, milk, egg soup and other soup porridge, by the majority of people love.

Unlike other nutrients, dietary fiber is not digested and absorbed by the body, but it is very important for maintaining good health. Foods rich in dietary fiber can delay the emptying time of the stomach, which has great benefits in preventing obesity.

Dietary fiber can help smooth the postprandial blood sugar response; Prevent constipation, promote intestinal probiotics growth; Prevent metabolic disorders and reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems. When it comes to dietary fiber, people often think of rough cabbage and celery tendons, the main component of these two things is cellulose, which is an insoluble dietary fiber.

Soluble dietary fiber is abundant in other foods, such as the sticky glucan in oatmeal, the jelly-forming pectin in hawthorn, algin in kelp, and fungal polysaccharides in fungus and mushrooms.

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