Get rid of stomach problems

Often white collar friends spit bitter water, usually busy work, irregular meals, often by stomach pain, stomach distention, resulting in lost interest in eating. The stomach is now a lot of white-collar friends of the soft spot, and the stomach is often "three points by treatment, seven points by maintenance." Regular care is the key.

First, eat three meals reasonably

  1. Don't skip breakfast

Many white-collar workers skip breakfast on the excuse that they have no time in the morning. However, after a long night, the food for dinner has been digested. In the morning, the stomach secretes gastric juices to greet the arrival of food.

If you do not eat at this time, then the stomach acid will corrode the stomach mucosa, and in the long run, there will be stomach pain, stomach acid and other symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that breakfast must not be saved, and it is recommended to eat some warm food to warm the stomach.

  1. Lunch is not greasy

Lunch should try to choose low fat, high protein, low fiber food, cooking method to steam, stew is appropriate. Too greasy food or high-fat food, for the white collar workers originally weak stomach, is undoubtedly worse, digestion will be more difficult, and even induce stomach disease, stomach ulcer.

  1. Dinner is 70% full

In general, people are less active at night and their energy consumption is lower. If you eat too much dinner will increase the burden of the stomach, food can not be digested for a long time, and even affect the quality of sleep. So dinner should pay attention not to be too full, seven points full is the best state.

  1. Midnight snacks should be avoided

Most white-collar workers have the experience of working all night, and many people have developed the habit of eating late at night. However, after eating midnight snack, usually go to sleep soon, and the stomach that has worked for a day is difficult to digest these foods in a short time, often resulting in a "accumulation of food" situation.

Second, dietary precautions

  1. Pasta is better than rice.

For white-collar workers with gastrointestinal problems, pasta is more suitable than rice. From the property of food, the surface is warmer than the rice, and the stomach is the most cold. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on pasta, such as steamed bread, rolls, noodles, etc. If you want to eat rice, it is better to boil porridge, so that better digestion.

  1. Yellow food is better for the stomach.

Yellow into the spleen and stomach, so most of the yellow food has the effect of nourishing the stomach, can be appropriate to eat more, such as millet, rhubarb rice, potatoes, pumpkins.

3, avoid cold drinks, spicy and other stimulating food.

Summer many white-collar workers often in order to pursue a moment of fun, a bottle of ice cream or ice cream in the blink of an eye. In fact, this way of eating is very bad for the stomach, too cold food will make all the blood vessels in the stomach violently contract, resulting in stomach cold and uncomfortable. In addition, some spicy food, will directly stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, it is also recommended to eat less.

4, avoid drinking strong tea, strong coffee.

Tea and coffee contain theophylline and caffeine. Caffeine can stimulate the glands of the stomach, increase the secretion of gastric acid and pepsin, and induce gastric acid and gastritis and gastric ulcer. Therefore, such as tea or coffee should be light is appropriate.

  1. Good habits help nourish your stomach

  2. Eat slowly.

Eating slowly can better help the teeth to divide the food into small pieces, so that the food is fully digested and absorbed. At the same time, avoid the large pieces of food that are too late to chew when wolfing down the stomach to enter the stomach, causing mechanical damage to the stomach wall.

  1. Eat small meals often.

People with a bad stomach usually eat a lot of stomach pain or stomach bloating, but do not eat enough and will soon be hungry, so small meals are the best way.

It gives the stomach enough time to digest the food without causing too much burden.

  1. Sit for a while after eating.

Do not exercise immediately after eating, sit still for a while, at least half an hour, to give the stomach time to breathe slowly to digest food.

If you exercise immediately, it is very easy to cause the stomach that is just full of food to "sag" due to the action of gravity.

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