Yang Jianshun believes that these prevention and control measures are both worthy of affirmation, and there are those that should be abolished and resolutely avoided

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Advance epidemic prevention and control in a scientific and orderly manner in accordance with the law and avoid a simple and rough one-size-fits-all approach

In some places, there is a "one-size-fits-all" and "layer upon layer" phenomenon in epidemic prevention and control

Those unreasonable prevention and control measures reflect that some local governments lack the overall pattern of "a national chess game" under the epidemic. The simple, heavy-handed and sweeping measures do not respect and protect basic human rights, violate existing laws and regulations, and are likely to bring more negative impacts

At present, the epidemic prevention and control is at a critical stage, and it is of Paramount importance to prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific and orderly manner according to law.

At a time when epidemic prevention and control is at its most intense, it is all the more important to adhere to the law of prevention and control, coordinate various prevention and control work on the track of the rule of law, and ensure the smooth progress of epidemic prevention and control work

Reasonable and lawful prevention and control should emphasize respect for the regularity of the fight against the epidemic, attach importance to the effectiveness of the fight against the epidemic,

and reflect the characteristics of coordination and humanistic care in the fight against the epidemic. Those who take quarantine measures and return measures should do a good job in supporting work such as caring, helping and guaranteeing, refrain from rigid, indifferent and arbitrary practices, and consolidate the joint prevention and control response mechanism

As for the irrational prevention and control practices of certain localities that disregard science and the rule of law, the central government has also corrected the errors in a timely manner.

The measures taken by various regions and departments should not only take into account the prevention and control needs of their own regions and fields, but also consider the impact on key regions and the whole country."

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee also clearly required "scientific and orderly prevention and control according to law."

On February 1, Beijing City reiterated that no community, village or property has the right to prevent the entry of people who have passed the temperature test. On February 7, the city of Zhengzhou put forward requirements that the city's communities (villages) "should not only be scientifically and reasonably strict control,

but also pay attention to humanistic care and services", and shall not prohibit regular residents, tenants and temporary residents with accurate identities, normal body temperature and no other abnormal conditions from entering the community (village);

On February 9, Zhejiang Province strictly ordered all localities in the province to effectively stop the behavior of "upgrading control measures without any reason" to minimize the inconvenience caused by epidemic prevention and control on people's production and life.

The practice of these places has set an example for the rest of the country. However, although some places have corrected errors in a timely manner, there are still not a few places where scientific prevention and control are not in accordance with the law.

In the view of Yang Jianshun, a professor at Renmin University of China Law School, the reason why there are so many seemingly unreasonable prevention and control measures is actually people's efforts to prevent and control the spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia.

The unpredictability of the epidemic, coupled with the lack of scientific understanding of the spread of the epidemic and its prevention and control, and the failure of all relevant parties to follow up on the guidance in a timely manner, has led to various localities and fields acting independently, taking a variety of measures, showing a disorderly and chaotic situation.

Yang Jianshun believes that these prevention and control measures are both worthy of affirmation, and there are those that should be abolished and resolutely avoided.

For example, the registration of personnel from Hubei province and the restriction of access and activities of certain specific personnel are worthy of affirmation and promotion from the perspective of infectious disease prevention and control,

but standardized management should be strengthened. The implementation of "all workers in specific areas", the implementation of "no entry" for specific groups, and even blocking roads and other practices are irrational, not only should not be affirmed, but should be abolished and resolutely avoided.

"Those practices that deviate from normal prevention and control requirements not only lack humanistic care, but also violate relevant laws and norms such as the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases,

the Law on Emergency Response, the Law on Administrative Enforcement, and the Regulations on Emergency Response to Public Health Emergencies, and violate the principles of legality, relying on science,

unified leadership, and comprehensive coordination." It is not consistent with the spirit of central policies such as' we should also consider the impact on key regions and the whole country '." Yang Jianshun said.

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