Fast seal fast solution, should be solved

Improving scientific and precise prevention and control capabilities -- local governments continue to optimize COVID-19 prevention and control measures

Optimize the management of risk areas, improve the nucleic acid screening program, and improve the efficiency of epidemiological investigations... In recent days, in light of the changing situation of the epidemic and the actual situation in various places,

many places have adjusted and optimized prevention and control measures according to the time and situation, and constantly improved their scientific and precise prevention and control capacity.

Fast seal fast solution, should be solved

On November 30, Guangzhou's Haizhu, Tianhe, Panyu, Liwan and other districts issued circularies announcing the lifting of all temporary control zones for epidemic prevention and control.

In addition to the units and buildings in the demarcated high-risk areas in Guangzhou, other areas are managed according to low-risk areas or normal prevention and control measures.

Zhang Yi, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission, said at a press conference held on the afternoon that in order to comprehensively, accurately and completely implement the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and the twenty optimization measures,

all districts are further optimizing prevention and control measures. In principle, areas such as the residence of the infected person and the work place and activity place with frequent activities and high risk of epidemic transmission are designated as high-risk areas. High-risk areas are generally designated by units and buildings, and may not be expanded at will.

Recently, Kunming and other places have also released the announcement of lifting the temporary control zone. In the containment and control management, all localities actively implement the requirements of "fast containment and quick solution" and strive to reduce the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development and people's production and life.

Shijiazhuang Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters office issued a notice, since December 1, Qiaoxi district, Chang 'an District, Yuhua district, Xinhua District, high-tech zone, recycling chemical park implementation of different levels of prevention and control, orderly resumption of production and life order.

Chongqing held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control on November 30, and said that the central urban area of Chongqing and Liangping District will implement differentiated prevention and control measures according to the development of the epidemic situation in accordance with the idea of "zoning classification,

from point to point and gradually open". Other districts and counties are gradually implementing regular prevention and control on the premise that risks are under control.

No duplicate detection, no extra code detection

On November 30, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Shenzhen and other places further optimized the requirements for nucleic acid testing, emphasizing that nucleic acid testing should be carried out on risk positions and key personnel, and the scope of nucleic acid testing should not be expanded, and nucleic acid testing should not be carried out on all personnel by administrative region.

Chongqing stressed that "no repeated testing, no additional code testing", and set up normal nucleic acid detection points to meet the needs of the public nucleic acid testing.

On the basis of the scientific evaluation effect, targeted "precise exemption" for some groups can not only reduce the risk of transmission, but also effectively save resources.

Following the adjustment of the nucleic acid testing program for special groups in Guangzhou, Shenyang, Taiyuan, Beijing and other places have also launched relevant measures.

Beijing Municipal government spokesman Xu Hejian introduced that since November 30, 2022, the city's long-term home elderly, home office and study personnel, infants and other non-social meeting activities, if there is no need to go out, you can not participate in community nucleic acid screening.

Beijing Chaoyang District, in view of the situation that most of the new cases are concentrated in the urban-rural fringe and rural areas, continues to optimize the nucleic acid detection "collection, delivery,

inspection, report, nuclear" process, strengthen the whole process management, speed up and improve efficiency, and prioritize the "ten mixed one" mixed tube Yang detection.

Precise epidemiological investigation

For close contact, time and space accompaniments, there have been many decisions in different places, and the epidemic prevention measures taken by different decisions are also different.

Twenty optimization measures require timely and accurate determination of close contacts, and no longer determine close contacts. At the same time, it is clear that for close contacts, the management measures of "7-day centralized isolation + 3-day home health monitoring" will be adjusted to "5-day centralized isolation + 3-day home isolation".

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