What do you know about health?

1, with lifestyle to regulate lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, gout, etc., but to use drugs and a lot of body fat, oil, do a lifetime of confrontation, but also tell the patient that a lifetime can not be cured, can not stop! Because obesity blocks various organs and causes various diseases, such as blocking the head, called cerebral infarction; Blocking the heart, called myocardial infarction; Blocked blood vessels become narrow, the pressure becomes larger, called hypertension; Blocked liver, called fatty liver; Block the pancreas, affect the secretion of insulin, blood sugar rise is diabetes; Blocking our kidneys, can't get the acid out, high uric acid, it becomes gout! Which is not so? Did you forget to ask the doctor about weight loss and detoxification? Without asking you to go home and change your lifestyle, the hospital does not care about the patient's lifestyle, and drugs cannot replace wrong lifestyle. So it leads to repeated diseases, and the diseases we get have become intractable diseases in the world.

2, the west is the treatment of people's disease, Chinese medicine is the sick people your house because of the tide is not ventilated, resulting in wallpaper mold, iron rust, wood mold, carpet mold, quilt damp, if according to the branch, wallpaper is an expert, wood an expert, iron an expert, quilt an expert, all these experts, are to solve specific problems, This is the treatment of people's disease, that is, to solve the problem of the house, but you will find that all the people will tell you a word after treatment, mold is difficult to deal with, will be repeated. Think on the other hand, if we solve the whole problem of the house today, the problem of moisture and moisture ventilation, then you will find that all the problems will not be solved? This is why Chinese medicine is not divided into departments, the adjustment is the sick people, because the person is a whole, people can not be separated from the environment, the family environment, the psychological environment, the social environment, the diet environment, so the real adjustment of the sick people, from the whole to the adjustment, rather than the local treatment.

3, the treatment is one-way, conditioning is two-way, for example, constipation and loose stool are two opposite directions. People with constipation do not go to the toilet for three or four days, the stool is too dry, and it is more difficult to go to the toilet; People with loose stool may have three or four times a day, and the stool is not formed. If the method of treatment is used, constipation should be passed and loose stool should be stopped, and the drugs used for the two phenomena are completely opposite; If you use a conditioning method, such as using probiotics to regulate the balance of the flora, you can not only let the constipation person solve the problem, but also let the loose stool person take shape, which makes a conditioning program bidirectional regulation. This is like some weight-loss programs, which can make fat people thin, but also can make people who are underweight gain weight. Therefore, conditioning is both a two-way, and a very safe program.

4, with the concept of maintenance to prevent disease, rather than using the idea of treatment to cure the disease We have the concept of maintenance of all the tools around us, such as cars, computers, furniture and so on. We all know that regular maintenance is needed to make their service life longer and not easy to break. The maintenance method is to clean up the garbage and add a protective layer, such as adding oil, upgrading the software of the computer, and playing a layer of protective wax to the furniture. However, only when it comes to our own body, when it comes to maintenance, we have such a few misunderstandings, if you are not sick, you will think that maintenance is deceptive, no feeling. Think about it. Does a new car need maintenance? I need it! But there is nothing wrong with the car before maintenance, and there is no big change after maintenance. Do you think maintenance is useless? There are also people who mistakenly believe that when they are old and sick, they go to maintenance, but at that time, what you think of is, where do you go without going to the hospital? Therefore, please be sure to believe that maintenance is everyone's business, and has nothing to do with age, the earlier the maintenance effect is better, the lower the cost

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