How should baby ear water be treated

Parents give the baby bath, wash the hair may accidentally lead to ear water, in this case, parents usually the first time to think of using cotton swabs to suck out the water in the baby's ears, it is wrong to do so!

Water in the ears should not be picked with cotton swabs, as this may bring water deeper into the ear.

After the ear water, the pores of the ear canal skin will open, and the hard tip of the cotton swab is extremely easy to slide into the inner ear canal, causing ear canal inflammation, and even puncturing the eardrum.

Baby ears are very sensitive, take a cotton swab to pick the ear, the baby may not be very cooperative, so it is very dangerous to do so.

With water in your ears, here's what you should do:

  1. First, use a dry towel or gauze to dip all the water in the outer auricle of the baby's ear, and then gently put a clean cotton ball into the baby's ear, but do not push the cotton ball into it.

2, let the baby's head tilt to the water side, let the cotton ball automatically suck out the water, and take it out after the cotton ball is wet.

If the emergency treatment still does not improve, the baby still feels uncomfortable, parents should take the baby to the hospital, find a doctor to do professional treatment.

How to tell if the baby ear water?

Step 1: Observe if your baby is scratching and scratching his ears frequently.

Step 2: Observe whether the baby cries for no reason, if the ear water, the baby will be particularly uncomfortable, resulting in crying.

Step 3: If you find that the earwax inside the baby's ear is sticky and has a little taste, you can basically judge the baby's ear water.

Ear water does not dry, easy to cause inflammation.

When the baby takes a bath, the bath water is always easy to enter the ear, the liquid often accumulates in the baby's middle ear, may soften and expand the ear wax in the ear canal, and will also promote the opportunity for bacteria to breed, which is easy to cause the baby's ear pain, crying, discomfort, fever and other symptoms, leading to acute otitis media.

How to prevent baby ear water?

1, when bathing the baby, you should pay attention to the finger to press the baby's auricle, so that the auricle covers the external ear canal to prevent the bath water from entering.

  1. When the baby is lying down crying, dry the tears for the baby in time to prevent the tears from flowing into the ears, and the same is true after washing the face.

3, in order to prevent water in the baby's ears when swimming, you can wear ear plugs, and dry the water around the ears with medical cotton balls immediately after swimming.

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