It is very difficult to deal with the epidemic prevention and control

People staying in hotels and entering tourist attractions need to check the health code and negative nucleic acid test within 72 hours. Special groups such as infants and young children under 3 years of age are exempt from testing for negative nucleic acid tests.

Q: How to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of nucleic acid testing?

A: First, optimize the layout of sampling points, implement grid management of sampling points, and cover the service population within the jurisdiction. Second, we should publish the relevant information of the sampling points to the society,

and we can also establish and improve the electronic map, and update it in time to facilitate the masses to query and convenient sampling nearby. Thirdly, we should arrange the sampling time reasonably and optimize the shift of sampling personnel.

According to the needs of different populations, we provide sampling services at different peaks. Fourth, we must do a good job of monitoring the supply and demand of sampling points, pay close attention to the needs of the masses for testing,

and expand the supply of sampling services by adding sampling points and increasing sampling personnel for communities and places with large population density and relatively high traffic.Do not be afraid of difficulties, scientific and precise epidemic prevention will surely win

Since the beginning of winter, due to the virus mutation and winter and spring climate factors, sporadic outbreaks have occurred in many places. This round of virus spread faster, more insidious, showing strong infectivity, short incubation period and generational spacing, strong immune escape ability and other characteristics, the prevention and control situation is grim and complex.

It is very difficult to deal with the epidemic prevention and control, and the only way is to implement more scientific and precise measures, constantly optimize the prevention and control in light of the time and situation,

and take more resolute and decisive measures to overcome difficulties, so as to stop the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, protect people's life and health to the greatest extent, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

In this regard, we have rich experience and practices. We have the determination, confidence and capability to win the battle against the epidemic.
To win the battle against the epidemic, we have rich experience in fighting the epidemic.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, we have steadfastly put people and lives first, firmly implemented the overall strategy of "preventing import from abroad and preventing rebound from home",

firmly implemented the general policy of "dynamic elimination of zero", effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and resolutely won the regular epidemic prevention and control battle. Practice has proved that this is the anti-epidemic strategy with the lowest overall social cost.

There are statistics to prove it.
According to an analysis by experts in October this year, China's population accounted for 18.32% of the world's total, and the number of COVID-19 cases accounted for 0.16% of the world's total, accounting for 1/112 of the world's total incidence per million people.

The number of deaths accounts for 0.08% of the world, and the mortality rate per million people is 1/229 of the world. This shows that whether in terms of morbidity or mortality rate, the impact of the epidemic on the Chinese people is the least in the world.

In terms of economic development, China is the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth in 2020. In 2021, China's economic aggregate will reach 114.4 trillion yuan,

accounting for more than 18% of the global economy. This year, the overall recovery of the national economy continues, and the overall economic and social development remains stable.

This fully proves that our prevention and control policy is scientific and effective, can stand the test of history, and will guide us to win greater victories in the battle against the epidemic.

We have sufficient advantages to win the battle against the epidemic.
China is a large country with a vast territory, which gives us more room for manoeuvre and advantages in depth in epidemic prevention and control. The socialist system, with its extraordinary ability to organize and mobilize,

coordinate and implement, can give full play to its unique advantages of concentrating on major, difficult and urgent tasks, and give orders and organize all parties to jointly respond.

In short, after nearly three years of fighting the epidemic, we have accumulated rich experience in prevention and control, honed the courage to take responsibility, the wisdom of scientific prevention and control, and the ability to plan and organize implementation. This is why we have the confidence and confidence to win the battle against the epidemic.

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