Grain Rain: rain gives birth to hundreds of grains, and all things are in season (the way of traditional Chinese medicine in the 24 solar terms)

"Grain rain spring dawn, mountains and rivers color green", unknowingly, we will usher in the last solar term of spring - grain rain. Guyu to, spring is late, at this time cherry red ripe, camellia with green, peony spit, bird Tong flowers, rain turned duckweed, really can be described as "lake fan jade, grass color drunk dragonfly".

Rain gives birth to a hundred grains, and everything is in season. In the warm warmth, spring is about to leave, summer is coming.

Offering Cang Jie and appreciating peony

Grain rain is the sixth solar term in the 24 solar terms and the last solar term in spring. On April 19 this year, when the sun reached the yellow longitude of 30 degrees, Grain rain came. Grain rain, "grain rain and born also", so called grain rain. Grain rain is a solar term with a significant increase in precipitation, different from the misty rain of rain, grain rain is characterized by warm and rainy, which is very conducive to the growth of grains, so there is "rain giving birth to hundred grains", "when the rain is falling, grain hundred fruits are den" meaning.

There is a folk saying "Qingming breaks snow, grain rain breaks frost", grain rain season, the temperature rises faster, the cold wave weather basically ends. The book of Rites and Le Ling says: "The sentence is finished, and the cute one is done." In other words, the curved buds of the plant have broken through the ground, and the delicate young leaves have just grown. At this time, winter wheat is in the jointing booting stage, winter rape enters the filling stage, and spring crops are in the best period of sowing and transferring seedlings and planting melons and beans. The rain is warm, the seedlings are green, and the youth of spring is giving birth to the fruits of autumn.

It is said that grain rain is related to the story of Cang Jie's creation of characters. "Huainan Zi" recorded: "The former Cang Jie wrote books, and the sky rain millet." According to legend, Cang Jie was the historian of the Yellow Emperor. According to the needs of his work, he created characters according to the trends of the stars, mountains and rivers, as well as the footprints of birds and beasts. Because of his exploits, the heaven and earth were moved, so the heaven rained millet as a reward. Later generations designated this day as the Grain Rain solar term to celebrate and commemorate the contribution of Cang Jie. Up to now, there are still some places have grain rain ancestor Cang Jie custom, such as Baishui County, Shaanxi Province, grain rain worship Cang Jie, since the Han Dynasty has spread thousands of years.

There are three waits for grain rain: one for duckweed to begin, two for singing dove to brush its feathers, and three for wearing victory to fall in mulberry. After grain rain, the rainfall increases and duckweed begins to grow. For another five days, the sweet song of the cuckoo, "Cuckoo, cuckoo," could be heard, as if to remind people not to delay sowing the grain - "Cuckoo, grind the sickle and carry the hoe"; Five days later, people saw the Daisheng bird (that is, the cockscomb bird) landing on the luxuriant mulberry tree branches, which means that it is time to pick mulberry and raise silkworms.

"Only the true national color of peony, the flower season moves the capital." Before and after grain rain is an important time for peony flowers to bloom, so peony is also called "grain rain flower" and "rich flower". During the season of grain rain, the peony flowers in full bloom are beautiful like rouge, glowing clouds, thousands of clusters in full bloom, which is a graceful and elegant, national beauty and fragrance. As the saying goes, "Grain rain three look at peony", grain rain season peony has been for thousands of years, so far, Henan Luoyang, Shandong Heze, Sichuan Pengzhou more than the peony held before and after the grain rain. People wander in the sea of flowers and enjoy the beautiful breath of spring.

Fried spring tea, eat spring flavor

"Poetry writing plum blossom moon, tea fried grain rain spring". For those who love tea, spring is not complete without a bite of spring tea. In the south, there is the custom of picking tea from grain rain. According to legend, drinking tea on this day of grain rain will clear fire, ward off evil spirits, and clear eyes. So no matter what the weather is, people will go to tea hill to pick some new tea. Tea farmers say that the real Guyu tea is the dry tea made from fresh tea picked in the morning of Guyu, which is generally only taken out to drink when guests come.

Spring tea harvested during the grain rain season is called "rain tea" and "two spring tea", and people believe that Ming tea and rain tea are the best tea of the year. Due to the moderate temperature in spring, abundant rainfall, tea trees after a winter rest, savings, rich in nutrients, so buds and leaves fat, green color, soft leaves, brewing tea taste fresh, pleasant aroma, widely popular. In addition to buds, Guyu tea also has a bud with a tender leaf or a bud with two tender leaves. A bud and a young leaf of tea soaked in the water, like the unfurling of the ancient gun, called the flag gun; A bud with two young leaves is like the tongue of a finch, called the tongue of a finch.

"Shennong Materia Medica" records "tea before rain, long service peace of mind qi... Never grow old." Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the new tea picked by grain rain can not only effectively relieve spring sleepiness, but also have the effect of generating fluid to quench thirst, clearing cremation dampness, and expelling disease. Washing the face with the remaining tea leaves can not only reduce the occurrence of skin diseases, but also make the face skin more shiny and smooth. However, although grain rain tea is good, it is also necessary to drink moderately, avoid coveting too much and being strong, 3-5 cups a day is appropriate, and tea is good for light. At the same time, due to the cold nature of spring tea, it is best not to drink or drink less.

In addition to spring tea, there is another taste of spring not to be missed - Chinese toon. As the saying goes: "The toon is tender as silk before the rain, and the toon shoots are woody after the rain." Chinese toon is also called "tree vegetables", is the bud of the Chinese toon tree. Before and after the grain rain is the season of toon listing, when the toon is the most tender and delicious, crisp and soft stay fragrant.

In some areas of Henan, Shandong, Hebei and other provinces, Guyu has the custom of eating xiangbao, or grain rain cakes made of Chinese toon sprouts. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese toon has the effects of strengthening stomach and regulating qi, preventing diarrhea and moisturizing skin, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, and can help improve the body's immunity. Modern research has found that fresh toon sprouts are rich in protein, carotene and vitamin C, and the nutritional value is relatively high, no wonder some people say that "Chinese toon sprouts scrambled eggs, meat and fish are not changed."

During grain rain season, Yang becomes longer and Yin dissipates, precipitation increases, moisture increases, and dampness is easy to trap the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this season of health should be to soften the liver, strengthen the spleen, to damp, to help the liver qi rise, safely into the summer. Diet should be light, avoid eating raw and cold fat greasy things, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach, can eat more seasonal vegetables such as leek, purse purse, bracken, spinach, bean sprouts, amaranth, etc., can also eat more food to remove moisture and water, such as corn, tuckaia, winter melon, pearl beans, black beans, yam and so on. At the same time, appropriate intake of fresh fruits such as pears, apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc., to clear lung heat, nourish spleen Yin, soften liver tendons, enhance immunity, eat less fried, fried, baked, baked hot food. In addition, grain rain season is a variety of fish meat fresh, tender and fatty period, appropriate to eat more perch, pomfret, crucian, yellow croaker and mandarin fish is conducive to enhancing physical fitness.

Take grain rain, avoid allergies

"Rain sheng hundred valley, clean and bright", when the valley rain spring Qi, flowers and plants luxuriant, is for glory. On this day of grain rain, there was the custom of "walking grain rain" in ancient times, that is, young women walk village strings of relatives, visit relatives and friends, or go to the field to "step green", enjoy the beauty of nature, which means integrating with nature and strengthening health. Chinese medicine pays attention to "spring and summer Yang, autumn and winter Yin", spring all things recovery, it is a good time to adopt the natural qi Yang, and moderate activity is the most important part of Yang.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that people should choose appropriate exercise items according to their own physique, such as jogging, doing exercises, playing ball, etc., and can also go to the field spring outing and walking. This can not only open the mind, pleasant and nourishing, but also make Qi and blood smooth, remove dampness and detoxification, so that the body and the outside world to achieve balance. It should be noted that the spring health to "lazy body, do not sweat" as the principle, should not sweat too much, so as not to consume Yang, but also pay attention to timely replenishment of water.

For people with allergies, there are more pollen, poplar catkins and willow catkins before and after grain rain, and allergic diseases such as hay fever, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and urticaria need to be prevented. Therefore, it is necessary to take good protection when going out, wear a mask, hat or sunglasses, pay attention to avoid contact with allergens, and change clothes and bathe in time after returning home; Pay attention to reducing the intake of high-protein and high-calorie foods in the diet; If catkins pollen falls to the mouth, nose or eyes appear itching symptoms, do not rub with hands, to wash your face or wipe with tissue.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that washing the nose with cold water every morning and evening is conducive to enhancing the immune capacity of the nasal mucosa, which is a good way to prevent and treat rhinitis. When washing the nose with cold water, scrubbing the wings of the nose can improve the blood circulation of the nasal mucosa and help relieve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing.

During the grain rain season, the temperature rises faster, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, windy, coupled with the increase in precipitation, the air humidity is large, if you wear clothes early like summer, it is easy to get cold, and moisture is easy to enter the body from the exposed part.

Therefore, many parents would rather give their children more clothes, but also do not want their children to freeze, saying that "spring cover". In fact, this approach is not appropriate, spring cover should also be a degree, 15 degrees Celsius is the critical point of spring cover, more than 15 degrees Celsius will reduce clothing, and then cover down easy to induce "spring fire", the heat and humidity generated in the child's body meet, it is easy to get sick. In general, parents can appropriately adjust the children's clothing level, wear more than one dress in the morning and evening is enough.

During grain rain, the weather is hot and cold. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that at this time, the wind, cold, wet three qi mixed, easy to lead to rheumatic joint disease patients relapse, such as do not pay attention to maintenance, easy to lead to moisture invasion. Therefore, where the joint pain or joint has been injured or sprained, you should pay attention to care for the affected area, pay attention to warmth, avoid cold, to prevent disease aggravation or recurrence, at the same time to avoid the long wetland, often wading into the water should strengthen anti-wet measures, such as wearing water shoes, wearing rubber gloves. As the temperature rose quickly, some people could not wait to eat cold drinks.

There is a folk saying that "grain rain summer has not arrived, cold drinks do not first." Although the temperature is higher during the Valley rain, it is still not in the hot summer, after eating cold drinks, the human body may be stimulated by cold stomach discomfort, spleen and stomach damage, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomfort, so it is necessary to avoid eating cold drinks too early.

A year's plan in the spring, looking back yesterday, you have failed to live up to the spring? Is the so-called "grain rain will wait, spring is not too late", let us carry the love of spring, together to meet the arrival of summer light year.

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