Prevention of epistaxis in children

The weather at the turn of winter and spring is dry, and children are prone to damage and bleeding of nasal mucosa. Children's nosebleeds can be caused by nasal diseases, can also be caused by systemic diseases, most of the children's nosebleeds are benign, and almost all occur in the front of the nose, often seen in the nasal capillary damage.

The prevention of children's nosebleed should be started from improving the living environment and cultivating children's good habits, and effective dietary prescription can also prevent and reduce nosebleed.

Life details do prevention.

  1. In the season when the air is dry or the air conditioner is open, maintain a certain temperature and humidity, and use a humidifier or place a basin of water at home to reduce air drying.

  2. To educate children to develop a good habit of not picking their nose, repeated nose picking is easy to damage the nasal mucosa and cause nasal bleeding.

  3. Let children strengthen exercise, enhance physical fitness, avoid crowded places, and reduce the chance of respiratory infection.

Because children suffer from diseases such as cold, tonsillitis, pneumonia or mumps, it is easy to lead to nasal mucosal vascular congestion and swelling, and even cause capillary rupture and bleeding.

Therefore, the prevention of epistaxis should start from the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Take care of your diet.

Children who love nosebleeds should eat less fried fatty food in their daily diet, pay attention to water supplement, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits such as pears, oranges, persimmons and grapes, eat foods rich in protein, vitamins and iron such as honey water, rice juice, milk, juice, etc., or eat some semi-liquid foods such as porridge, noodles, etc., to avoid spicy stimulation and hard food.

During nosebleeds, do not eat hot food or hot drinks, so as not to aggravate the bleeding. I recommend several dietary remedies to relieve and prevent nosebleeds.

  1. Fresh lotus root juice drink: Clean fresh lotus root 300 grams, grind and squeeze juice about 50~100 ml, mix with a small amount of sugar each time, stew and roll after taking.

It can clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and stop bleeding.

  1. Lotus root stew with rock sugar: 150 grams of fresh lotus root, wash and slice into the stew pot, add 10 grams of rock sugar, simmer for 1 hour before eating.

It has the effect of tonifying spleen and stomach, blood and hemostasis.

  1. Crucian bean curd soup: Crucian 1 treaty 150g, tofu 200g.

Put the fish in a casserole pot, add some water and boil for 45 minutes, add tofu and cook for 15 minutes, season with salt and then drink the soup.

It has the effect of clearing lung heat, lowering stomach fire and stopping nosebleeds.

  1. Maogen bamboo cane and horseshoe drink: 15g maogen root, 150g bamboo cane, and horseshoe (peeled) 3, put together in a casserole, add appropriate amount of water and cook for 1 hour, you can drink.

It has the effect of clearing heat and stopping bleeding.

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