Cold day nasal allergy how to do

These days, the temperature plummeted, "old rhinitis" the nose began to have a variety of symptoms, at this time it is better to try their own acupressure.

Yingxiang point: located next to the middle point of the outer edge of the nasal alar, when the nasolabial groove.

Use the fingers on both sides of the nose to knead the nose repeatedly for 5 minutes, push the finger Yingxiang point 36 ~ 100 times a day, and use rhinitis essential oil nasal drops every day.

Seal position: between the eyebrows, press 50 times a day.

Shoulder well point: Cross the shoulders with your hands, under the middle fingertips, grab both shoulders with your hands and lift them up 30 times a day, pressing 50 times a day.

Rub the back: rub the palm of the hand back and forth on the upper back, feel the skin heat until.

The above massage techniques are done once a day, 10 times for a course of treatment.

Allergic rhinitis patients should avoid eating cold drinks, especially when the weather is cold, too cold food will reduce immunity and lead to respiratory allergies.

At the same time, irritating food, easy to stimulate respiratory mucosa; You should also be cautious about allergenic foods such as beef, lamb, and seafood.

You can eat more foods containing vitamin C and vitamin A, such as spinach, Chinese cabbage, cabbage, white radish and so on.

When the weather is cold, it is also beneficial to add warm foods such as ginger, garlic, leeks, and coriander to the food.

Patients can also try this clear heat anti-inflammatory, detoxification diet:

Lean pork in loofah vine pot

Preparation method: Wash 3~5 grams of luffa vine near the root, cut 60 grams of lean pork, cook soup in the pot until cooked, add a little salt to taste, drink soup and eat meat, five times for a course of treatment, and use 1~3 courses.

Daily care attention to several points:

1, the living environment air clean, avoid contact with dust and chemical gases.

2, timely treatment of related diseases, such as deviated nasal septum, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.

3, strengthen exercise, enhance the body's immunity, improve the ability to adapt to allergic substances.

4, be careful with the use of nasal mucosa contraction agents, especially do not use long-term uninterrupted (such as nasal drops, ephedrine, furan nose drops, etc.).

5, when the weather is cold, be sure to keep warm to avoid catching cold.

6, correct bad habits, picking your nose by hand, pulling nose hair or cutting nose hair will be very unfavorable to the nose, because damage to nose hair and nasal mucosa, not only cause nasal suppurative infection, but also can cause intracranial and ear diseases.

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