Improving health literacy requires changing health concepts

* Health literacy refers to a person's ability to access and understand basic health information and services, and to make sound judgments and decisions to proactively maintain and promote their own health. In 2015, "Chinese Citizens' Health Literacy - Basic Knowledge and Skills" was promulgated to promote health education in China from three aspects: health concept, basic knowledge, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and basic skills, so as to improve the level of health literacy of all Chinese people. Establishing scientific health concept is the key to improve health literacy. From the perspective of the international community, the definition of health has gone through three stages of development. The traditional biomedical model believes that health is the absence of abnormalities in the human body, and disease is the occurrence of abnormalities in the human body. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, people have a new understanding of health. In 1948, the World Health Organization redefined "health" as "not only the absence of disease and disability, but also a state of physical, mental and social fitness." In 1989, the World Health Organization further deepened the concept of health, which should include physical health, mental health, social well-being and moral health. The international community's cognition of health has shifted from the "biomedical model" to the "social-psycho-medical model", which has greatly expanded the scientific understanding of health. The treatment and prevention of disease are also changing in our country. The previous reform of the medical and health system was in the "cure as the center" concept, the pursuit of medical care, medical insurance and medicine reform, to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical care for the masses. Nowadays, China promotes the construction of "healthy China", puts forward the concept of "big health, big health", and the reform of the medical and health system should shift from "treatment as the center" to "health as the center", move forward the maintenance of people's health, do a good job of disease prevention, and try to let the people not get sick, get sick less, and improve the quality of life. This is a major concept innovation to meet the new needs of the people's livelihood and the new stage of China's social development. It is a concrete manifestation of the people-centered thinking in the field of health, and a major change in China's medical and health system reform. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle and prevent and control major diseases." To this end, it should be integrated into all policies, and the concept of whole-life health management should run through the whole process of urban planning, construction and management. The study found that many factors affect a person's health, of which biological factors account for 15%, environmental factors account for 17%, and behavior and lifestyle up to 60%. It can be seen that personal health management is the most important aspect, and everyone is the first responsible person for their own health. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the public's health literacy to promote the transformation of the treatment concept from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered".Health literacy refers to a person's ability to access and understand basic health information and services, and to make sound judgments and decisions to proactively maintain and promote their own health. In 2015, "Chinese Citizens' Health Literacy - Basic Knowledge and Skills" was promulgated to promote health education in China from three aspects: health concept, basic knowledge, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and basic skills, so as to improve the level of health literacy of all Chinese people. Establishing scientific health concept is the key to improve health literacy. From the perspective of the international community, the definition of health has gone through three stages of development. The traditional biomedical model believes that health is the absence of abnormalities in the human body, and disease is the occurrence of abnormalities in the human body. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, people have a new understanding of health. In 1948, the World Health Organization redefined "health" as "not only the absence of disease and disability, but also a state of physical, mental and social fitness." In 1989, the World Health Organization further deepened the concept of health, which should include physical health, mental health, social well-being and moral health. The international community's cognition of health has shifted from the "biomedical model" to the "social-psycho-medical model", which has greatly expanded the scientific understanding of health. The treatment and prevention of disease are also changing in our country. The previous reform of the medical and health system was in the "cure as the center" concept, the pursuit of medical care, medical insurance and medicine reform, to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical care for the masses. Nowadays, China promotes the construction of "healthy China", puts forward the concept of "big health, big health", and the reform of the medical and health system should shift from "treatment as the center" to "health as the center", move forward the maintenance of people's health, do a good job of disease prevention, and try to let the people not get sick, get sick less, and improve the quality of life. This is a major concept innovation to meet the new needs of the people's livelihood and the new stage of China's social development. It is a concrete manifestation of the people-centered thinking in the field of health, and a major change in China's medical and health system reform. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle and prevent and control major diseases." To this end, it should be integrated into all policies, and the concept of whole-life health management should run through the whole process of urban planning, construction and management. The study found that many factors affect a person's health, of which biological factors account for 15%, environmental factors account for 17%, and behavior and lifestyle up to 60%. It can be seen that personal health management is the most important aspect, and everyone is the first responsible person for their own health. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the public's health literacy to promote the transformation of the treatment concept from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered".*** Health literacy refers to a person's ability to access and understand basic health information and services, and to make sound judgments and decisions to proactively maintain and promote their own health. In 2015, "Chinese Citizens' Health Literacy - Basic Knowledge and Skills" was promulgated to promote health education in China from three aspects: health concept, basic knowledge, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and basic skills, so as to improve the level of health literacy of all Chinese people. Establishing scientific health concept is the key to improve health literacy. From the perspective of the international community, the definition of health has gone through three stages of development. The traditional biomedical model believes that health is the absence of abnormalities in the human body, and disease is the occurrence of abnormalities in the human body. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, people have a new understanding of health. In 1948, the World Health Organization redefined "health" as "not only the absence of disease and disability, but also a state of physical, mental and social fitness." In 1989, the World Health Organization further deepened the concept of health, which should include physical health, mental health, social well-being and moral health. The international community's cognition of health has shifted from the "biomedical model" to the "social-psycho-medical model", which has greatly expanded the scientific understanding of health. The treatment and prevention of disease are also changing in our country. The previous reform of the medical and health system was in the "cure as the center" concept, the pursuit of medical care, medical insurance and medicine reform, to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical care for the masses. Nowadays, China promotes the construction of "healthy China", puts forward the concept of "big health, big health", and the reform of the medical and health system should shift from "treatment as the center" to "health as the center", move forward the maintenance of people's health, do a good job of disease prevention, and try to let the people not get sick, get sick less, and improve the quality of life. This is a major concept innovation to meet the new needs of the people's livelihood and the new stage of China's social development. It is a concrete manifestation of the people-centered thinking in the field of health, and a major change in China's medical and health system reform. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle and prevent and control major diseases." To this end, it should be integrated into all policies, and the concept of whole-life health management should run through the whole process of urban planning, construction and management. The study found that many factors affect a person's health, of which biological factors account for 15%, environmental factors account for 17%, and behavior and lifestyle up to 60%. It can be seen that personal health management is the most important aspect, and everyone is the first responsible person for their own health. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the public's health literacy to promote the transformation of the treatment concept from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered".Health literacy refers to a person's ability to access and understand basic health information and services, and to make sound judgments and decisions to proactively maintain and promote their own health. In 2015, "Chinese Citizens' Health Literacy - Basic Knowledge and Skills" was promulgated to promote health education in China from three aspects: health concept, basic knowledge, healthy lifestyle and behavior, and basic skills, so as to improve the level of health literacy of all Chinese people. Establishing scientific health concept is the key to improve health literacy. From the perspective of the international community, the definition of health has gone through three stages of development. The traditional biomedical model believes that health is the absence of abnormalities in the human body, and disease is the occurrence of abnormalities in the human body. With the progress of society and the development of science and technology, people have a new understanding of health. In 1948, the World Health Organization redefined "health" as "not only the absence of disease and disability, but also a state of physical, mental and social fitness." In 1989, the World Health Organization further deepened the concept of health, which should include physical health, mental health, social well-being and moral health. The international community's cognition of health has shifted from the "biomedical model" to the "social-psycho-medical model", which has greatly expanded the scientific understanding of health. The treatment and prevention of disease are also changing in our country. The previous reform of the medical and health system was in the "cure as the center" concept, the pursuit of medical care, medical insurance and medicine reform, to solve the problem of difficult and expensive medical care for the masses. Nowadays, China promotes the construction of "healthy China", puts forward the concept of "big health, big health", and the reform of the medical and health system should shift from "treatment as the center" to "health as the center", move forward the maintenance of people's health, do a good job of disease prevention, and try to let the people not get sick, get sick less, and improve the quality of life. This is a major concept innovation to meet the new needs of the people's livelihood and the new stage of China's social development. It is a concrete manifestation of the people-centered thinking in the field of health, and a major change in China's medical and health system reform. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "we should advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle and prevent and control major diseases." To this end, it should be integrated into all policies, and the concept of whole-life health management should run through the whole process of urban planning, construction and management. The study found that many factors affect a person's health, of which biological factors account for 15%, environmental factors account for 17%, and behavior and lifestyle up to 60%. It can be seen that personal health management is the most important aspect, and everyone is the first responsible person for their own health. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the public's health literacy to promote the transformation of the treatment concept from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered".

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