The Department of National Security publicized a major case: a spy caught by China leaked top secret documents to the United States

Recently, the national security agency disclosed a US spy case.

Two years ago, one of my personnel in the defense industry was turned by the United States and became an intelligence liner placed by the United States in my key defense and military units.

After a long investigation and surveillance by state security authorities in Sichuan Province, he was finally arrested and is now formally transferred to the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court to await trial.
It is a little regrettable that the Hou who is about to be sent to court was once an expert in the field of our national defense industry with high academic attainments.

In January 2013, the unit let him study abroad for training purposes. Soon after arriving in the United States, Hou was targeted.

After an American professor introduced, he and claimed to be consulting company personnel, actually for the intelligence workers Jacob, at the beginning, Jacob also hidden identity, deliberately create and Hou a "like-minded" illusion, take him out of a variety of senior places, in the luxurious, push the cup for a cup, Hou will gradually fall into the trap set by the United States.

Seeing that the two people are more and more familiar, Jacob, who is an employee of an American consulting company, began to lure Hou as a "consultant" of its "consulting company", which is to steal information from Hou's mouth through the form of questions and answers, and pay the corresponding remuneration.

According to Hou's confession, the first time he provided information to Jacob, he was paid only $700 (about 5,000 yuan).

It is worth noting that this situation was maintained until July 2013, by the opportunity of Hou's wife and children to visit relatives in the United States, Yabug tore off the disguise, thoroughly indicated his identity and coerced Hou and the United States to reach intelligence cooperation, Hou took into account the security reasons of his family and a number of adverse evidence of previous transactions with the United States, and thoroughly turned to the United States.

After his study abroad visit in 2014, he continued to serve as the "eyeliner" of the US intelligence agencies in the internal defense military system of our country.

In fact, after Hou returned home, the Ministry of National Security had talked to him for questioning, but Hou was lucky, hid his experience, and even used the opportunity to leave the country alone to meet with American spies, has provided 4 American intelligence personnel with 2 top-secret documents, 3 classified documents and 6 secret documents, resulting in the serious disclosure of China's national secrets, the damage is incalculable.

In the context of making mistakes step by step and difficult to turn back, Hou was finally arrested by the Sichuan provincial state security organs on July 23, 2021.

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