The United States is engaged in a war with Iran, and the first of the three is to play a dirty trick, and the prescient is Russia

We all know that America has a small heart, but I never thought it could be so small.

At the end of November, the United Nations Security Council had an important meeting on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. In order to prevent Iran from attending, the United States has extended their visas.

Notice, not no delivery, but delayed delivery. What does that mean? You're here. I'm sure you were told to be here, but if you want to do something, you're sorry.

The Iranian foreign minister told the media that the United States issued their visas at 1 a.m. local time.

It has to be said that this approach of the United States is disgusting. Isn't that weaponizing the visa? However, on second thought, if the United States does not do so, it is really the sun out of the west.

Why do you say that? Just two reasons:

One: The US will never let itself suffer.

Just two days ago, Iran used a drone to warn a U.S. aircraft carrier strike group. A warning is not the biggest point of view, after all, Iran's "leopard gall" is not blown out. The point is that the famous American military actually "listened" so obediently.

Although the situation is forced, the United States does not dare to directly confront Iran, but let the United States willing to eat dumb loss, it seems unrealistic. These days, the Iranian foreign minister did not attend the UN meeting on time, good guy, the original United States has already found a place to start. The United States does not care about the face, otherwise it would have buried itself long ago.

Second: the United States ranks first in the top three, but it is accustomed to using the bottom three dirty tricks.

It is not the only time that Iran has been defeated by the United States when it comes to visas. As early as 2020, the U.S. government refused to issue a visa to Iran's foreign minister after tensions between the United States and Iran increased.

China and Russia are also the victims. Because China is hostile to the Western world in space technology, the United States has taken an inch to exclude the Chinese from relevant meetings. The Russian foreign minister and his delegation have been denied visas because of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

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