The United States with the best move, want to jam China, but lost twice, how can not stop!

How else to say, Americans are now very funny, in their best place, ugly, want to stop China's development, but twice lost, what happened?

We know that the Americans have always had full confidence in their space programs and artificial intelligence and other fields, but it is in these two areas that the United States wants to obstruct the cooperation between the UAE and China. Although rich means, but did not succeed, but also let themselves awkward out of the scene.

Let's start with the space sector. Did you know that China and Russia led a lunar research station project? The project has been unanimously recognized by the international community, with member countries covering South America, Africa, the Middle East, the Asia-Pacific and other regions, and China has always maintained an open and cooperative attitude to the outside world. Therefore, the UAE has already expressed its willingness to cooperate and wants to send its lunar rover to the moon through Chinese technology. However, this move was blocked by the United States at all times, so it was temporarily shelved. As a result, universities in the United Arab Emirates have successfully joined China's lunar program.

This means that the United States block, completely declared failure, the Americans this is a typical "jealous", so it will destroy the cooperation between China and other countries, before the National Aeronautics and Space Administration "NASA", not also shamelessly said that the Sino-Russian led international lunar research station project, with an "open attitude"? This is a "large-scale really fragrant" scene, ah, to consult the Chinese and Russian space technology and relevant experience, there is no need to comply with the so-called US rules? The "door" of your space program does not allow China to get close, and the result is that you want to peep at Chinese and Russian technology, but it is so natural, and it is indeed in line with the United States' "do not face" style.

In fact, the United States, here is already "lost face", Americans want to stop, others who take care of you?

And almost at the same time, or about the cooperation project between China and the UAE, the Americans, once again eat flat! Some time ago, didn't Biden also set up a "supply chain resilience committee" on China? To put it simply, he wants to "decouple" from China and prepare for the future, suppressing China and getting rid of the Chinese supply chain in high-tech and other fields.

And the United States is not only doing so itself, but also interfering with the normal exchanges and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and foreign countries, this is not, Chinese enterprises in the cooperation with the UAE artificial intelligence company, it has been obstructed by senior American officials, one by one will disclose US secrets, and Americans also take international relations as a threat, who knows, the United Arab Emirates does not give the Americans face. He directly ignored the threat from the United States and went back, saying that cooperation with China will not affect the so-called relations with the United States.

So the United States, in the field of artificial intelligence, on the way to sabotage China, has stumbled. This is not to say that Americans are not technologically advanced and that this is the result. On the contrary, the United States is still leading the world in the field of high-tech and space, but the Americans are not right and have put their minds on how to obstruct China's development. In recent years, the so-called "decoupling" of the United States has also allowed China to break the illusion of the United States and the West, and vigorously develop the whole industrial chain and upgrade it. In the face of China's full power, Americans have no confidence, and they are about to be surpassed by China in many fields. Americans are angry and use various means, but finally find that in addition to making a fool of themselves, they cannot stop China's development!

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