China refuses to pay after delivery, India may turn to the US

India's new energy bus plan, singled out Chinese enterprises, China refused to deliver the first payment request, India or turn to the United States, I do not know what step of the procurement plan?

According to the global network reported on December 12, an Indian media said on the 11th that the United States is very interested in India's plan to achieve 50,000 electric buses on the road by 2027 and has provided support. The US government and private companies will provide a specific donation to help India realize the plan, reflecting the support for India's decarbonization plan, India is turning to the US?

Due to the increasingly serious global climate problems, coupled with the maturity of electric vehicle technology, electric vehicles are gradually popularized, the world has set off a strong wind of new energy, and the wind has also blown into the hearts of Indians. India is preparing to implement a carbon reduction plan, ready to buy a batch of "quieter, greener" new energy buses to replace the traditional buses.

The Indian government has passed a plan of about 50 billion yuan to deploy 10,000 new energy buses and related facilities in 169 cities in India within 10 years, and it is also part of India's plan to achieve 50,000 electric buses on the road by 2027.

Since the plan was passed, the Indian government has been collecting and consolidating the requirements of the state governments and putting them out for tender. In this context, the major manufacturers have made efforts, India thousands of thousands of choices, selected China's BYD. India said it is willing to spend 22.8 billion rupees (equivalent to about 2 billion yuan) to buy 1,000 electric buses from BYD.

Byd, of course, is very happy about the business of sending to the door, and may be able to occupy the Indian market, you know, as of May this year, only 1.25% of the buses registered in India are electric buses, and the future market prospects are very broad, but in the final negotiation stage, the two sides have a big difference.

India was so angry that several government officials took to social media to criticize BYD, saying that it was not authentic, broke market rules, damaged India's reputation and caused invisible losses to India.

As a government official, he is outspoken on social media, pointing at Chinese enterprises, although outrageous, for India, it seems to be a little "reasonable".

So is BYD making any "unreasonable" demands? Why is India so angry?

It is understood that when purchasing 1,000 electric buses, the Indian side means to pay 10% deposit first, that is, about 200 million yuan, so that the Chinese side can deliver the goods first, and India will pay the rest of the cost after receiving the goods. This is a relatively common practice in the international community, but with India's untrustworthy "deadbeat" cooperation, Chinese enterprises are obviously not willing to take this risk, because India has previously had the problem of transportation companies defaulting on fees.

Some netizens said that Russia has stepped on the Indian rupee pit, and Chinese enterprises should learn a lesson. It is understood that Russia and India have cooperated in a project, India is paid with rupees, but I did not expect 2.8 trillion rupees to Russia's hands as waste paper generally can not be spent, can not find other countries for transactions.

Naturally, Chinese enterprises are also worried that India has been in arrears after receiving the goods, not paying, this 1.8 billion yuan will not know that it is the monkey year, but also afraid of India to pay in rupees, but the rupees in our hands I am afraid it is difficult to spend, and can not say that he did not pay. So BYD rejected India's request, insisting that India must pay all the money in one lump sum before shipping.

Some netizens said that India has more than N empty hands set the lesson of the white Wolf in front, beware of goods do not pay, dealing with India or cautious behavior on the best policy, including the United States issued a blank check, Chinese enterprises must also take seriously not to be fooled.

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