The media broke the news that the result of the US election decided the life and death of Europe, and Trump really became a "time bomb"?

To explain the big events happening in the annual meeting, many people may think of the US election in their minds, as the US election has entered the countdown stage, it is not difficult to find a trend, former US President Trump seems to be more and more popular. Polls show that Trump in the primary and final election stage, are in the leading position, and finally beat Biden by 4%, although this is only a simulated duel, but to a large extent, explain Trump's popularity. In the Republican Party, Trump occupies an overwhelming advantage, directly wrong first, and even his votes are more than the votes of other candidates combined. Seeing the possibility of Trump's victory is getting higher and higher, which has caused concern in European countries, as for the reason for worry, it is necessary to mention the recent big news in the US media.

The media said that if Trump wins the new election, he is likely to lead the United States to withdraw from NATO, which has caused concern among the governments of NATO countries, because it means that Ukraine will be abandoned, US troops will be withdrawn from Europe, and NATO will be destroyed. The article also mentions the words of a retired US general, the European fear that Trump's victory will lead to the withdrawal of the United States from NATO, which is a major strategic and historic defeat for the United States. The first thing to be sure of is that polls do not determine the outcome of the election, let alone that there is room for manipulation in polls, and no matter how popular Trump is now, anything is possible before the election results are settled. But then again, can a single election really decide whether Europe lives or dies? Or, if Trump wins, will he really give Putin the "gift of the century"?

In fact, the American media also gave a possibility, after all, Trump is an exaggeration, this more radical speech on his body, there is indeed a certain rationality. NATO was founded by the United States, once the United States as the backbone of the withdrawal, then the existence of NATO is necessary? How much can Europe defend itself without the US military? To some extent, whether the United States withdraws from NATO will determine the life and death of Europe, but it is not the same as the outcome of the election. You know, NATO is not only a tool for the United States to control Europe, but also a platform for maintaining its own hegemony, unless the United States is tired of doing big brother, otherwise, it is impossible to withdraw from NATO, even if Trump no matter how unreliable, but also understand this truth.

So what's the point of the US media breaking the news? As mentioned earlier, opinion polls can be manipulated, so can the media, and this kind of manipulation of public opinion is well practiced in Western countries. Trump is popular now, but if Trump is portrayed as a "time bomb" or a "time bomb" affecting the status of the United States, then Trump's support rate may change, which may be the real purpose of this hype. As the election gets closer and closer, the two parties in the United States will play more tricks, and this fierce competition will exacerbate the division within the United States, and perhaps Putin is the last one to laugh.

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