This famous Hollywood actor trainer revealed the "big secret" of how celebrities become famous

Argentine Bernard Schiller is a famous actor trainer in Hollywood. He told the stories behind some of Hollywood's most famous stars becoming famous in a media interview, such as how Leonardo DiCaprio (nicknamed Little Li) won an Oscar,

According to the Buenos Aires Economic News website in Argentina on April 6th, 56 year old Schiller has been working hard in the entertainment industry for 40 years. However, his greatest achievement is not in shaping a successful movie image, but in helping a group of Hollywood stars interpret their roles more vividly on the big screen. Hollywood stars who have directed him before include Cameron Diaz, Jeff Goldblum, LL Cool J, Emilio Rivera, and Madelina Guenia.

According to the report, currently Schiller has opened a master class in London specifically for training actors, attracting a large number of students to come and study. During a media interview here, he stated that the obstacles to his career often stem from personal issues of the actors. He believes that professional assistance is necessary before entering the set. Shiller gave an example that Hollywood superstar Leonardo DiCaprio was on the verge of collapse after being nominated for an Oscar for the third time but failed to win the Little Golden Man, and it was at this time that he began seeking help from trainers.

Sometimes Shearer also accompanies actors into the set, because some actors only need to improve their acting skills in a certain film. When actors feel insecure, Hiller becomes a mirror of their performance. Actors can learn from his advice while improving their acting skills.

Shiller believes that DiCaprio is a high-quality star worth learning from for many actors. After missing out on three Little Golden Men, DiCaprio finally won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2016 for his outstanding performance in the movie Wild Hunter. Shiller did not hesitate to praise DiCaprio, believing him to be an outstanding actor who constantly strives for excellence in his acting skills. He said, "DiCaprio hires three trainers for each play."

Shiller said that even Hollywood veteran Al Pacino and Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey, known for his exceptional acting skills, would hire trainers. He believes that McConnell was able to win an Oscar in 2013 for his film "Dallas Buyer's Club", and also contributed to the success of the trainers behind him.

Hiller also mentioned that in fact, many stars' star paths are not so smooth, but the best of them can use the reaction force of harsh criticism to open a new Xintiandi for their performance career. He mentioned the famous singer Lady Gaga, who had just won the Academy Award for Best Original Song.

Shearer stated that he had a heart to heart conversation with Lady Gaga, who bluntly stated that he had been bombarded all day. However, Shearer stated that almost all actors will face criticism, but only those who can withstand malicious criticism can ultimately break free from cocoons and transform into international superstars.

Shiller also stated that the relentless pursuit of actor dreams is a key element of success for celebrities.

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