Mr Eastwood, a Republican supporter, switched to Bloomberg

Let's talk about the women candidates and the two remaining old male politicians. Joe Biden, the former vice president with a modest Hollywood history, is far less connected than his former boss, Barack Obama, or the Clintons, who had a complicated relationship with the film industry. But he has already won the support of Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin, Cher and Mia Farrow, as well as former SONY Pictures president Amy Pascal and "Game of Thrones" author George Martin, among others.

If he doesn't lose badly in the Super Tuesday primaries, Biden will continue his rally the next day with a fundraiser at Sherry Lansing's Los Angeles mansion. The support of Ms. Lansing, a former chief executive of two major Hollywood companies, Paramount and 20th Century Fox, is a leading female executive in Hollywood, and is important for Mr. Biden, who lacks female voters.

And finally, former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, the latest to announce his candidacy. Recently, the famous movie star and director Clint Eastwood publicly said in an interview with the media that he is willing to vote for Bloomberg. Mr. Higashige, 89, is known to have been a Republican supporter in the past, backing Mr. Romney in 2012 and voting for Mr. Trump four years later.

So Eastwood turned the rudder this time, causing quite a shock. In this regard, he said he chose Trump four years ago because he was worried that Hillary Clinton "will follow in the footsteps of Obama", but seeing the recent words and deeds of the current president of the United States, he had to admit that Trump's behavior is not "decent" enough, and too love social media and personal attacks.

These ultimately forced him to decide to vote for Bloomberg, because in his view, the latter has a better chance of winning the 2020 US election than Sanders and others. In addition to Eastwood, Michael Douglas, "The Newsroom" star Sam Waterston and former NBA star Tim Duncan are among the celebrities who have so far publicly endorsed Bloomberg.

After talking about the Democratic presidential candidates, it is worth looking at their opponent, the current US President Donald Trump's relationship with Hollywood.

Although he himself has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and has made cameo appearances in films such as Home Alone, Trump's relationship with Hollywood has become increasingly fraught since entering the White House.

Not long ago, he mocked the Oscar's best picture award to "Parasite" for puzzling him and wondered why American filmmakers could no longer make good movies like "Gone With the Wind."

Earlier, at the White House, he said: "We're going to have a hard time with Hollywood because they've been very unfair to the Conservative Party and they're making movies that are very dangerous to our country and very damaging to the United States."

In addition, another breakthrough in Trump's attack on Hollywood is Harvey Weinstein, who is about to be jailed.

The movie mogul has maintained good relationships with the Clintons and the Obamas, from Miramax to later Weinstein Films, where the Obamas' daughter interned and he even hosted a birthday dinner for Hillary Clinton in 2000. He has a long history of donating to Democratic candidates and helping them organize fundraisers.

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