Mediterranean style subdivision

Mediterranean style is divided into Greek Mediterranean style, Spanish Mediterranean style, Southern Italian Mediterranean style, French Mediterranean style, North African Mediterranean style.


Greek-mediterranean style home, with pure beautiful colors, smooth lines, natural materials, obvious national character deeply liked by people.

Antique floor tiles are simple earth color, slightly warm tone gives people practical, comfort spiritual needs.

The wheat yellow diatom mud wall surface of the pure natural substrate seems to spit out the simple aroma of grain between the deep shallow concave and convex texture.

The large area of blue and white, clear and flawless, interprets people's endless desire for blue sky and white clouds, blue sea and silver sand.

The spatial pattern with a sense of hiding provides different psychological feelings for the residents.


Christian culture and Muslim culture infiltrated and merged with each other, forming a diversified, mysterious and strange Spanish culture.

Like other styles, the Spanish Mediterranean style has its own unique aesthetic characteristics.

In color selection, it generally chooses soft colors that force nature, pays attention to space collocation in combination design, makes full use of every inch of space, and does not appear cramped, without losing atmosphere, liberating open free space; Set decoration and application in one, in the cabinet door and other combinations to avoid triviality, appear generous, natural, people always feel the Mediterranean style furniture exudes the ancient noble pastoral atmosphere and cultural taste; Its unique Roman column-like decorative lines are simple and bright, revealing the ancient civilization.

Southern Italy

Mediterranean coastal countries - Italian home style promotes the Mediterranean has always enjoyed leisure, but with the Mediterranean blue and white cool style is different, Italian house design more love the taste of the sun. What a pleasant time it is to drink tea with friends in our garden on a sunny afternoon.

Can feel comfortable from Italy lazy. Like other Mediterranean styles, its greatest charm, I am afraid, comes from its pure combination of colors, the yellow yellow of the sunflower fields in southern Italy flowing in the sun, has a unique emotional color combination, very natural beauty, Mosaic Mosaic, collage, iron decoration with a detailed and gorgeous beauty.

North Africa

In North Africa, there is little rain all year round, and the sun shines brightly; The abundance of limestone; Blue sky and blue sea; The prevalence of manual art, these regional characteristics did not deeply affect the formation of the North African Mediterranean style, so that the Mediterranean style architecture appeared in a variety of forms.

But no matter how varied the forms, the sunshine, warmth and wind of the Mediterranean coast make it share the same architectural language and symbolic elements.

In the Mediterranean cities of North Africa, everywhere you can see the red brown and earth yellow of desert and rock, but also can see the tangle of vines, open grass, refined irrigation, or ground, walls, wooden fences. Under the abundant light of the Mediterranean Sea, it is simple but bright, bold and rich, showing the most gorgeous side of ancient culture.

1, the French style pays attention to the architecture dotted in nature, French architecture pays attention to the embellishment in nature, does not care about the size of the floor area, the pursuit of color and internal connection, let people feel that there is a lot of activity space.

However, sometimes there is a deliberate conflict between the building and its surroundings. Therefore, French architecture often does not seek simple coordination, but values the beauty of conflict. In the design emphasis on the natural return of the soul, giving a person a strong smell.

Open space structure, flowers and green plants everywhere, finely carved furniture... All of this creates a pastoral atmosphere as a whole.

Whether it is the delicate flowers in the design of the bedside lamp, or a rocking chair in front of the window, in any corner, you can feel the master's carefree life and sunny mood.

2, there is another characteristic of French architecture, that is, it has a strict grasp of the overall aspect of the building and is good at carving in the details.

The classic, not the fashionable, of French architecture has survived centuries of historical selection and time polishing. French architecture is very elegant, noble and romantic, it is based on the consideration of the ideal scene, the pursuit of architectural poetry, poetic environment, and strive to give people in the depth of temperament infection.

The style is inclined to solemn and generous, the whole building adopts symmetrical shape, magnificent momentum, luxurious and comfortable living space, the roof adopts Mengsha style, the slope has a turning point, the upper part is gentle, the lower part is steep.

There are many exquisite tiger Windows on the roof, and either round or pointed, different shapes. The exterior wall is decorated with stone or imitation stone. The details are treated with French columns, carvings and lines, and the production process is clear and exquisite. The French architecture presents a romantic and elegant style.

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