Mom doesn't recognize you? 50 Hollywood stars "face bump" summary

Next Friday, August 14, the sequel that many fans have been longing for, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, will be released on the mainland.

Speaking of this film, Time Jun recently saw such a parody video on the Internet, almost laughed to death.

When Alan Rickman played Professor Snape in the film, replaced by everyone's favorite Shen, there was no sense of contradiction, and the face was dumbstruck.

Don't say, although the two people's temperament is different, but the face shape and facial features seem to be really similar, and they have found a new way to open the movie!

"Artists are not narcissistic!" Many years ago, when Jiang Wen was Mired in Gone With the Bullets, Hung Huang came to his rescue. To some extent, actors are egotists, and the "face" is the carrier and direct expression of this self.

So as you can imagine, the face bump was an unspeakable blow to them. Jake Gyllenhaal once said the truth.

He said: "As actors, we like to think we're special, but most of the time people really can't tell us apart - it's all the same, there's no special skill set, except... My hair looks good because someone else did it well."

Today, time will take stock of those Hollywood stars who are "face blind", come and see if you can distinguish them? "Model Worker" vs. Bryce Dallas Howard

How close are Model Girl Jessica Chastain and Jurassic World star Bryce Dallas Howard (when they were skinny)? Even Bryce's dad, RON Howard, got dizzy watching it.

In an Apple store, RON Howard recognized the model worker as his daughter and said to the person nearby, "I think I just saw Bryce." When he learned the truth, he trembled with fear. Before it became popular, there was a time when model worker sister turned over a magazine on the subway, and there was a small picture of Bryce, and she imagined for a second: "Huh? What am I doing in this magazine?"

Coincidentally, Lowe and Bryce also starred in the black theme film "The Help", and one of the fans even said: "The whole time I watched the movie, I was full of questions, make sure that Hilly and Celia are not the only model sister?"

Maybe it's the beard? Maybe it's fashion sense? Anyway, if there's ever a story about a celebrity who looks alike, two people, Tom Hardy and Logan Marshall-Green, always make the list.

Tom Hardy was British born in 1977 and Green was American born in 1976. The two have previously appeared together on the red carpet at the London premiere of Prometheus. Logan, who was still a young star at the time, was seen by onlookers as Tom Hardy, but the more confusing scene was that Tang was also present on the red carpet and at the party, he was there to support the French shark and Ridley's director.

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