Fighting the epidemic: The anti-epidemic time of the nutrition department

During the COVID-19 epidemic, many of the most beautiful retrogressions are around us, and among these retrogressions, many non-front-line workers are also working hard for the prevention and control of the epidemic.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Liu Lin, head of the nutrition department of Ditan Hospital, led the staff in the department to act quickly and work together to develop recipes for children from 2 years old to preschool. Review and revise the patient meal and first-line staff meal recipes provided by the catering department; Take turns in the canteen operation room to supervise and inspect the production and distribution of COVID-19 treatment meals and front-line staff meals.

A day's work is not easy for dietitians, let's take a look at their day's anti-epidemic time.

The nutritionist will be in the canteen at 9:00. Check the hygiene of the operation room, whether the personal hygiene of the staff meets the requirements, and then check whether all the ingredients are fresh and clean, and whether they meet the predetermined recipes; Then according to the food processing process, the procurement, storage, processing, sample retention, disinfection and other links are inspected to ensure food health and safety; At the same time, pay attention to the cooking methods of the chefs, and taste the dishes in time to ensure that the taste is appropriate.

9:30: The packing of nutritious meals for COVID-19 patients begins;

10:00: After several hours of cooking, the nourishing soup begins to be divided;

10:30: The nutritional meals of front-line medical staff begin to be packaged, and these are the links that dietitians focus on. It is necessary to ensure that the supply of meat and vegetables for each patient meets the requirements, but also to ensure that the packaging process meets the hygiene requirements, and take timely insulation measures after the packaging.

10:40: The chef starts making the children's meal. The nutritionist will repeatedly tell the chef that the raw materials must be peeled and seeded, and the nutritionist must taste it personally after the pot is out to ensure that the taste is soft and rotten.

11:00: The caterer begins to take meals, and the nutritionist will pay special attention to the diabetes patients in the new coronavirus pneumonia patients at this time, and specially prepare the diabetes package for them, and adjust the yogurt to sugar-free yogurt.

With so many unknown people supporting the medical staff fighting ahead, we believe that in the fight against the epidemic, we will be invincible and invincible.

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