Slim running throat pain how to relieve

Exercise outdoors when the temperature is low, often feel runny nose and throat discomfort.

Open mouth to breathe away moisture. Running is the exercise performed by the human body in the condition of adequate supply of oxygen.

When you run, your heart rate increases and you need more oxygen. Your nose can't keep up with your body's needs, so your brain sends a signal to open your mouth wide and breathe.

The air inhaled by the mouth will carry a lot of water to the throat, and the saliva produced by the throat can not keep up with the speed of consumption, which leads to dry throat and itching symptoms.

On the other hand, running is a lot of sweat, so that the body loses a lot of water and salt.

The first thing the body feels thirsty for is the throat, so it is not unexpected that the throat is dry and sore.

Exercise intensity increases. No exercise for a long time, occasionally run a step, the body's organs have not been able to adapt to the state of exercise, resulting in poor breathing.

Breathing is not smooth, the throat is irritated, which naturally causes pain.

During the running process, the speed per kilometer is suddenly increased by 1 to 2 points, and the cardiopulmonary function is not fully entered into the working state of high load, and the heart rate is increased and the breathing is rapid, which will lead to respiratory problems.

Cold air irritation. When running when the temperature is below zero, a lot of cold air enters the nose and mouth during the breathing process, and the mouth and nose have no heating effect, so the cold air will directly stimulate the trachea and throat.

Dry upper respiratory mucosa, increased secretions, more severe inflammation, resulting in throat pain, itching, cough and other symptoms.

Once the above problems occur, how to alleviate and prevent it?

  1. Warm-up before running is the most important part of running, no matter how far you want to run, warm-up should not be less.

The purpose of warming up is to activate the muscles of the whole body, stretch the joints, increase the heart rate, and bring the body into the state of exercise as soon as possible.

In addition to avoiding the pain symptoms of running, warming up is more important to protect yourself from injury to a large extent.

  1. Keep drinking water. Hydrate yourself an hour before you run, or keep drinking water regularly throughout the day.

When drinking water, try not to gulp it down, but sip it.

  1. Keep your rhythm and breathe actively. In the process of running, once you feel uncomfortable throat, the first thing to do is to slow down, most people will be uncomfortable because of running too fast, slowly jog small steps, maintain a rhythm of active breathing.

Active breathing means that you consciously inhale and exhale, focus on your breathing during running, and listen to your breath as you run.

  1. Make a plan. Just as learning to work requires a plan, running requires a plan of your own.

High intensity exercise, high density exercise, long-term no exercise is not advisable.

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