The World's Top 500 Brands in 2023 were released, and 48 Chinese brands were selected

The 2023 (20th) "World's Top 500 Brands" list, compiled exclusively by World Brand Lab, was announced in New York on December 13. The number of Chinese brands selected (48) surpassed Japan (43) for the first time, ranking third in the world.

According to the latest list, Microsoft, which was No. 2 last year, beat Apple to the top spot. Apple fell to second place, and Amazon came in third.

In addition, Google, Walmart, McDonald's, Toyota, Tesla, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz made the top 10.

The United States occupies 193 of the top 500, ranking first in the brand power. France, China, Japan and the United Kingdom are the second camp of world brand powers.

The top 10 brands in China are: State Grid, Tencent, Haier, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Huawei, China Central Television, China Resources, China Mobile, China Life, TSMC.

It is reported that the World's Top 500 Brands is judged on the basis of the brand's global influence. The so-called brand influence refers to the ability of the brand to open up the market, occupy the market and obtain profits.

According to the three key indicators of brand influence, namely market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, the World Brand Lab conducted a comprehensive score of about 8,000 well-known brands around the world, and finally launched the world's 500 most influential brands.

When measuring brand loyalty, we refer to the Rating data of iTrust Rating. SuperFinance's ESG database was used to measure brands' leadership and specifically their ESG(Environmental, Social and governance) scores.

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