Dakota Johnson was famous in Spider Woman! White and beautiful and hot

Recently, SONY and Marvel cooperation in the superhero movie "Spider woman: The Sense of Awakening" (original translation: Spider lady) first revealed the word trailer, Dakota Johnson played the spider lady, once again caught the eye! The American porn star, who starred in Fifty Shades of Grey, is already on Hollywood's top line.

Dakota Johnson was born in Texas on October 4, 1989, into a family of entertainers: her grandmother was Tippi Hedren, the heroine of Hitchcock's classic "The Birds."

Her father, Don Johnson, starred in the TV series Miami Vice, her mother is Melanie Griffith, a Golden Globe winner, and her stepfather is Spanish superstar Antonio Banderas.

In 1999, she appeared in her first film, Crazy Alabama, in which she and her half-sister Stella Banderas played the daughters of their real-life mother, Melanie Griffith's character!

In 2001, Dakota became interested in the modeling industry at the age of 12 when she posed for Teen Vogue with the children of other celebrities.

In 2006, Dakota officially began her modeling career by signing with IMG Models, the same year, Dakota was named Miss Golden Ball at the 63rd Golden Globe Awards.

After graduating from high school, she signed with William Morris and began her acting career.

In 2010, she starred in the biopic The Social Network, directed by David Fincher, opposite Justin Timberlake.

Unexpectedly, after the film was nominated for the Oscar for best picture, she was a few short shots, and Sam Taylor Wood, the director of Fifty Shades of Grey, took a look at her, producing the idea that "even if only for a moment, she is simply a screen killer, so I decided to get to know her."

In 2013, she began filming the sultry CEO and Mary Sue erotic film "Fifty Shades of Grey." It is reported that when she auditioned, the director asked her to read a monologue from the film "Mask", the result was very satisfactory to the other side, and the beauty did not mind playing a large-scale passion scene.

An innocent 21-year-old female college student Anastasia Stil, who usually loves biting her lips, has a pure appearance of who dares to move her at any time to bite her tongue, but met the handsome domineer president, as long as he takes off his clothes, he does not need to be taught by the male protagonist.

She needed to be completely naked in seven erotic scenes, and there was a lot of SM content, but a lot of BDSM (binding and conditioning, domination and submission), she also shot without fear.

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