
The movie "Lone Army" is about to be released - the history of the guerrilla column fighting in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area is brought to the big screen for the first time

"The persistence of a lone army, a tragic history, a heroic epic."

Based on the true historical story of Xingwen County, Yibin City, the film "Lone Army" tells the story of the "Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army guerrilla column in southern Sichuan" (Sichuan Yunnan and Guizhou border area guerrilla column) in order to complete the glorious mission of coordinating the central Red Army and the strategic shift of the second and sixth Red Army Corps, with the determination to die with the enemy, to contain and fight the enemy in the Sichuan Yunnan and Guizhou border area, fighting alone and actively The story of guerrilla warfare, with several times or even dozens of times the enemy's arduous struggle, and the accomplishment of the mission at the great cost of almost the entire army's sacrifice, is the epitome of the spirit of the Long March, which is not afraid of sacrifice, and writes a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese military and the Red Army's Long March.

Recently, the movie "Lonely Army" released a preview and poster, announced that it will be released nationwide on December 28.

The poster for the movie "Alone"

From 1935 to 1936, in order to cover the strategic transfer of the main forces of the Central Red Army and the second and sixth Red Army Armies to the north to resist Japan, the southern Sichuan guerrilla column, which was formed by the Special Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, was not afraid of the strong enemy and was not afraid of sacrifice, and completed the glorious mission of arranging the strategic transfer of the troops at the huge cost of almost the entire army.

The film poster leads the audience to relive the eventful years with strong visual effects of heavy ink and color.

The continuous war on the screen reflects the red night sky, in stark contrast to the revolutionary soldiers holding steel guns, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of "always thinking regardless of oneself, and martyrdom of the country", guiding future generations to continue to move forward along the glorious footprints of revolutionary ancestors, carrying forward the revolutionary tradition, and passing on red genes and revolutionary flame from generation to generation.

In the film, Long Housheng, a cadre of the National Security Bureau of the Central Soviet Area played by Ling Xiaosu and a special agent of the guerrilla column in southern Sichuan, led the column in extremely difficult conditions to carry out guerrilla warfare, and fought to the end with the enemy several times or even dozens of times, and finally made a heroic sacrifice.

What did the Red Army soldiers seek?

This is the original intention to ask.

The tribulations and sacrifices, history and reality can bear witness to this: to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation is the original aspiration and mission of Chinese Communists and the pursuit of every Red Army soldier.

Funded by Xingwen County Cultural Tourism Development and Investment Group Co., LTD., the film is produced by Chengdu Film Group Co., LTD., People's Liberation Army August 1 Film Studio, Yibin City Media Group Co., LTD., Chengdu Radio & Film Group Co., LTD., Beijing Television Art Center Co., LTD., Chongqing Film Group Co., LTD., Beijing Huacheng Media Co., LTD. Jointly produced by Yunnan Ethnic Film Studio and Guiyang Film Development Co., LTD.

The film is produced by the creative team of "Believers"; By the Central Propaganda Department "five one project Award" and Huabian Award winners, "Believers" "Liulaozhuang eighty-two strong men" "Three Bay adaptation" and other film director Yang Hu directed.

The story of the guerrilla column in southern Sichuan is rarely mentioned in Chinese military history and military film and television works, and the movie "Lone Army" fills the blank of this military history image.

Xingwen County of Sichuan Province was the route of the Central Red Army's Long March and the main activity place of the south Sichuan guerrilla column.

Under the premise of respecting history, the film achieves this fine film and television by deeply exploring the cultural resources of Xingwen Red and using clever narrative techniques and rich audio-visual language.

The main creative team hopes to write a poetic and meaningful group anthem of "believers" through this film, reproduce to the audience the glorious image of countless believers and martyrs, fearless sacrifice, and show the belief of the Communist Party to save the motherland and save the nation.

Rao Shuguang, president of the China Film Critics Association, commented: "The film has a clear theme, lofty intention, rigorous structure, accurate historical facts, touching story, fresh details, and successful characterization. It is another deep creation and theme expansion of the Long March film, and fully reflects the firm will of the commanders and soldiers of the southern Sichuan Guerrilla column to live, fight, and die for their faith."

Faith in the heart, strength under the feet.

The film "Lonely Army", as a red theme work, promotes the study and education of Party history to go deep into the masses, the grassroots and the hearts of the people by telling good revolutionary stories and heroic stories, reminding people not to forget their original hearts and always follow the footsteps of revolutionary forefathers to walk the Long March road of the new era.

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