Find out whether there is the use of public power to seek benefits from hidden business activities

"Hidden" is also manifested in three aspects: first, indirect contact to hide the main body of corruption, corrupt elements from the "front" to "behind the scenes", so that specific related people to undertake related projects,

transactions, indicators, etc., to accept the benefits of the transfer, the direct benefit is the third party, rather than the state staff themselves; Second, the market behavior covers up the transfer of interests, and mixes the bribery behavior with the commercial behavior such as investment,

operation and cooperation, so as to put on the "vest" of the market for the transfer of interests and confuse the nature of the behavior; The third is to extend the chain to cut the relationship between power and money, by providing business opportunities to add links,

increase intermediaries, etc., deliberately cut the relationship between the position identity, profit matters and the behavior of accepting property in time and object, lengthen the transaction cycle of power and money, hide the connection of power and money, extend the chain of interest delivery, and attempt to blur the nature of the behavior.

"Specific business opportunities are to some extent industry insider information, which tends to generate high market returns and less investment risk."

In the view of Hua Shijie, deputy director of the first discipline inspection and Supervision Office of the Yuhang District Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee in Hangzhou, the briber will provide business opportunities to the specific relations designated by the public officials,

which is actually the "conditional" transfer of its own interests to the public officials, and this "condition" is that the public officials have or will provide convenience through relevant duties to achieve other interests of the briber.

Find out whether there is the use of public power to seek benefits from hidden business activities

"All kinds of business opportunities should be fair and open to non-specific business entities, and some 'business opportunities' are often explicitly targeted at the bribe-recipient and their specific associates,

and the benefits are transmitted through' poor information 'and' influence '." Wang Jian, a member of the supervision committee of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, said that there are often two or three lines of defense between the bribe-taker and the bribe-giver, and power-money transactions are carried out through third parties or even the fourth party, which is difficult to detect.

Asking for business from the regulatory service object is the "business opportunity" explored by Zhu Mou, director of the certification and accreditation Supervision and Management Office of the original Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Yangzhou City,

Jiangsu Province. In December 2011, Zhu Mou established a company in the name of others, and reached an agreement with A Center that the company was responsible for undertaking the business and charging calibration fees,

and A center was responsible for completing the business, and the two sides allocated the fees proportionately. Subsequently, Zhu asked the 9 units under his supervision for equipment calibration business,

transferred to A center to implement and issue a calibration certificate, charging a total of more than 740,000 yuan calibration fee, paying a center more than 310,000 yuan, Zhu made a profit of more than 430,000 yuan.

In the same way, Zhu also undertook energy auditing, equipment testing, certification consulting, equipment calibration and other businesses through a number of companies, earning more than one million yuan. In the end, Zhu was sentenced to three years and one month in prison for taking bribes and fined 300,000 yuan.

The company controlled by Zhu does not have relevant qualifications, no technical personnel, and no related equipment, but actually completes the above business by paying a small amount of fees to qualified units, and the remaining costs are all occupied by Zhu.

Yangzhou Hanjiang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the relevant responsible comrade said: "Zhu almost did not pay the cost of property and manpower, in fact, is the use of regulatory authority to ask for the relevant quantifiable property interests of enterprises."

In the view of Chen Chuanwang, deputy director of the third discipline inspection Office of the Discipline Inspection Supervision Committee of Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, this kind of problem mainly has the following performance:

exaggerated trading links, asking the trustee to deliberately increase the transaction links or create business opportunities without necessity in order to convey benefits, and the bribed party often does not actually put into operation,

without risk and high returns; After obtaining the business opportunity, the bribed party shall directly resell the business opportunity for profit, or use the way of changing hands as a link to transfer benefits,

and ask the trustee to pay the transfer difference; In the transaction of directed procurement, the trustee is asked to obtain additional benefits beyond the normal level of the market through the obvious directed procurement behavior, no comparison and no inquiry.

"In practice, the key to investigating such corruption cases is to see the essence through the phenomenon and accurately grasp the essence of power-money transactions."

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