"National Brand" exhibition once again by strength "circle powder"

To be specific, first, we will encourage enterprises to increase investment in R&D and innovation and in fixed assets. Second, encourage industrial scale development and support mutual learning among enterprises in the region;

Third, focus on professional ability and qualification to form development advantages; Fourth, strengthen landing guarantee services to promote industrial ecological development, and provide support for enterprise production and financing.

Wei Qijia, a researcher and director of the Industrial Economy Research Office of the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center, said in an interview with China News Network that Guangdong is located in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,

and has many advantages in the development of low-altitude economy and commercial space. Giving full play to these advantages will play a role in leveraging the development of related industries.

Li Qinfeng, deputy general manager of China Aerospace (Guangzhou) Equipment Industry Co., LTD., said that Nansha guided social capital to tilt towards science and technology start-ups, accelerated the final assembly of China Aerospace Lijian 1 launch vehicle in Nansha,

and also provided important financial support for the development of Arrow 2 liquid launch vehicle. "It helps us to look up at the road, bury our heads in innovation, and pool our wisdom to tackle core key technologies such as liquid rocket recovery, so that the dream of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 'the last nine days' can be realized."

Tianjin Jinghai District: the pot is full of gas to continue to write the "northern fried goods" business legend

Choose raw materials with conscience, create products with original heart, and embrace guests and friends all over the world with sincerity.

In recent years, Tianjin Jinghai District Wangkou Town to "brand - promote production - camp town - attractive - quality - efficiency" as the main line, to create a comprehensive set of production and trade in one of the agricultural characteristics of the food town, so that "fried goods" business card beautiful, so that "Wangkou fried goods" taste of the world. 5.1. The PNG

The "king" of fried goods is the "mouth" of the king.

Wangkou Town was founded in the early years of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty. It has been an important political, economic and military town for hundreds of years, as well as a cultural town and an old revolutionary town. In the Wangkou area, there is a taste that passes through time and space and is passed down from generation to generation, which is "Wangkou fried goods".

"A shovel" supports the backbone of the real economy. Wangkou area as early as the Ming Dynasty Jiajing years have the habit of planting hollyhock, and fried cooked food, after germination, development, growth,

industrialization of four periods, so far has more than 600 years of history. As the pillar industry of Wangkou Town, "Wangkou fried goods" contributed more than 80% of the town's tax revenue, is an important part of Jinghai District's characteristic food industry chain, but also a model of the integration of the first, second and third industries.

At present, there are more than 300 registered enterprises in the roasted goods industry in Wangkou Town, with total assets of more than 1.5 billion yuan and more than 10,000 employees.

The annual sales volume of roasted goods reaches 600,000 tons and the annual sales volume is 10 billion yuan, making it the largest raw and cooked nut distribution center in North China.

"Wang Kou Stir-fry" mainly has 23 series, more than 100 varieties, basically covering the common nut stir-fry categories, the products are sold in North China, East China, Central China and other places,

and "Cha Cha", "good product shop", "three squirrels", "hundred herbs" and domestic large supermarkets have cooperation, export to North America, Europe, Africa, East Asia, West Asia, Southeast Asia and other 12 countries and regions.

Yuecheng, Hongfa Sheng, Kangfu Baijia 3 enterprises successfully bid for "Jinnong boutique" "National well-known brand", Tianjin Yuecheng Food Co., Ltd. won the title of "Annual Top 25 Enterprises in the National Nut roasting Industry" for four consecutive years.

Wangkou Town was also selected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the "10th batch of national 'One village, one product' demonstration villages" in 2020, creating a number of golden signs such as "the largest roasting base in northern China" and "Jinghai high-end green snack food".

Each bite is fragrant, crisp and crisp, it is a tribute to tradition and a hope for the future.

"National Brand" exhibition once again by strength "circle powder"

Big and crisp melon seeds, creamy and rich herbs, crispy and delicious pistachios... All kinds of nuts on the booth shelves, a dazzling array of fried goods make people salivate, the introduction of one after another can be heard, people come and go, while tasting while asking the lively scene formed a beautiful scenery.

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