Small red book is testing the function of "jump enterprise wechat"

Future business early refer to | Bytedance released a large model of Doubao, small red book test the function of "jump enterprise wechat"

The Bytedance bean bag model was officially unveiled at the Volcano Engine Dynamics Conference. According to Tan Bei, president of Volcano Engine, the Doubao model currently processes 120 billion token texts per day and generates 30 million pictures.

Tan said that the pricing of the main model of Doubao in the enterprise market is only 0.0008 yuan / 1,000 Tokens, and 0.8 percent can handle more than 1,500 Chinese characters, which is 99.3% cheaper than the industry. The large model from cents to cents will help enterprises accelerate business innovation at a lower cost.

This marks a significant advance in AI technology in the enterprise market and an innovation in business models. The model provides a high throughput service at an ultra-low price -- 0.0008 yuan/thousand Tokens,

processing 120 billion token texts and generating 30 million pictures per day, which is far lower than the average price of the industry, reducing 99.3%. Such low costs make AI technology within reach,

especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, which can significantly enhance their business innovation and competitiveness. This move may trigger structural changes in the market and promote wider AI application and industrial upgrading.

This year's Tmall 618 campaign will offer free and fast payment collection services to eligible Taobao Tmall merchants, with a quota of up to 200 billion yuan. This is also the largest speed return amount of the previous Tmall 618 activities.

Businesses are expected to prepare for 618 activities under zero financial pressure, and the operating pressure will be greatly eased. In addition, the Tmall 618 campaign also launched a number of rights and interests such as freight insurance concessions and credit interest rate concessions, which continue to help merchants reduce financial pressure and operating costs, and help merchants obtain more business opportunities.

Comments: The 200 billion yuan free fast payment service provided by the Tmall 618 activity reflects the depth of the platform's support for the liquidity of merchants. This measure can not only reduce the financial pressure of merchants,

but also stimulate the vitality of the market, and bring consumers a richer choice of goods and a better service experience. At the same time, measures such as freight insurance concessions and credit interest rate concessions further reduce the operating costs of businesses and improve operating efficiency.

These measures help to enhance the enthusiasm of merchants to participate in large-scale promotional activities, which is of positive significance to promote consumption and stimulate economic growth.

On the whole, this is a win-win strategic layout for e-commerce platforms and merchants, and it is also an optimization of the development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises under the current economic situation.

Small red book is testing the function of "jump enterprise wechat"

According to the interface news, the small red book is testing the function of "jump enterprise wechat", which is currently only open for some businesses. The function introduction document shows that the account with this function can attach the "Add consultant" button under the note,

and after clicking it, the prompt "Go to wechat to add" will be displayed, and then click to jump to the enterprise wechat add page. The original user to add the customer service or staff of the enterprise, need to private letter small red book account, manually go to wechat to add contact information.

Small red book internal test "jump enterprise wechat" function is to further optimize the platform business ecology. This can simplify the communication process between users and merchants,

improve the efficiency of interaction, and help enhance the user experience and the quality of business services. For enterprises, users can be guided to add enterprise wechat directly through the button under the note, which not only reduces the user's operation threshold,

but also improves the response speed and accuracy of the customer service system. In the long run, this function can strengthen the private domain traffic management of merchants in the small red book, promote fine operations,

and play a positive role in improving the conversion rate and customer loyalty. On the whole, this is a strategic step for Xiaored Book to deepen its e-commerce and social attributes and build a closer business closed-loop.

The whole building integrates butterfly, gauze and other elements, showing a light, transparent and romantic style.

In the Butterfly Language Hall, a popular science exhibition on water resources utilization is underway, introducing in detail the process of tap water, water environment governance, and water control stories in the history of Chengdu Plain through objects, pictures and videos.

"At present, the Hanjiang Water Resources Management Center has settled in the Butterfly Language Museum, and plans to build a water resources exhibition hall and an intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall in the exhibition hall of more than 2000 square meters."

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