Three measures to deepen VAT reform will be implemented

According to the Regulations, if a parking person fails to pay the parking fee in accordance with the regulations, the parking management department of the district shall urge the parking fee and impose a fine of 200 yuan, and if the circumstances are serious, a fine of more than 500 yuan and less than 1,000 yuan shall be imposed.

The Regulations make it clear that Beijing will promote units or individuals to carry out paid time-sharing of parking Spaces. Where the parking facilities of public buildings meet the safety and management conditions,

the motor vehicle parking facilities shall be opened to the public and paid use shall be carried out. The Beijing Municipal People's Government shall formulate specific measures to promote the opening of parking facilities in an orderly manner.

The parking facilities in a residential area may be opened to the public if they meet the parking needs of residents in the residential area.These new rules come into effect on May 1, saving you time and money

Zero tariffs will be imposed on imported drugs such as cancer drugs, three measures to deepen value-added tax reform will be implemented, social security premiums will continue to be reduced,

certain serious dishonest people will be restricted from taking flights and trains, and they will apply for exit and entry documents "only once"...... A host of new regulations will come into effect on May 1, saving you time and money

The Heroic Protection Act passed! Propagating or glorifying aggressive wars or pursuing criminal charges

Students from Guangming Road Primary School in Zaozhuang, East China's Shandong province, offer flowers to an unknown martyr at the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in Zaozhuang, capital of East China's Shandong province, April 4, 2019. Xinhua (Photo by Sun Zhongzhe)

The Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the Second session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on April 27,

2018, is hereby promulgated and will come into force as of May 1, 2018. This means that in the future, the names, portraits, reputations and honors of heroes and martyrs will be protected by law, and it is forbidden to distort,

vilify, desecrate or deny the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, publicize or beautify the war of aggression and acts of aggression, and they will be punished according to law until they are held criminally accountable.

Twenty-eight imported drugs, including cancer drugs, will have zero tariffs

China will cancel import tariffs on 28 drugs, including anti-cancer drugs, from May 1. After the adjustment, in addition to a few varieties of China's specialty drugs such as Angong Niuhuang pills,

some alkaloid drugs and other products that are not produced overseas, the vast majority of imported drugs, especially anti-cancer drugs that are actually imported, will achieve zero tariffs.

This also means that in the future, people are expected to enjoy a 20% price discount when purchasing and using these imported drugs, alleviating the problem of "expensive medical treatment".

Three measures to deepen VAT reform will be implemented

Since May 1 this year, three measures to deepen VAT reform, including lowering the VAT rate, unifying the standard for small-scale taxpayers and refunding tax credits retained by some enterprises, have been officially implemented, which is another important measure to reduce the burden and reduce taxes after replacing business tax with VAT.

The three reforms include adjusting the value-added tax rate from 17% to 16% and 11% to 10%. To unify the standard of small-scale VAT taxpayers, the annual taxable VAT sales of 5 million yuan and less are small-scale taxpayers;

For qualified enterprises in advanced manufacturing industries such as equipment manufacturing, modern service industries such as research and development, and power grid enterprises, the input tax that has not been deducted within a certain period of time will be refunded at one time.

The above three measures will reduce the tax burden of market entities by more than 400 billion yuan this year, and domestic and foreign enterprises will benefit equally.

Social security premiums continue to be reduced

Since May 1, 2018, in the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) where the unit contribution rate of enterprise employees' basic pension insurance exceeds 19%, and in the provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) where the unit contribution rate is reduced to 19% in accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on the Phased Reduction of Social Insurance Rates,

the accumulated fund balance can be paid for months (as of the end of 2017, If it is longer than 9 months, the 19% unit payment rate can be implemented in stages until April 30, 2019.

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