My flaws glow

The definition of "beauty" is constantly changing, and the so-called "body defects" in the traditional concept can also become a unique personality imprint, blooming a different kind of beauty. Step into their stories together and discover the "beauty" that distinguishes them.

"It's a birthmark on my face."

"It also gave me wings to fly."

Brown leather Prada

When Wang Jiahao was born, he was accompanied by a mole the size of a pinhead above his eye. As he grew older, the mole grew in size until he became an adult, forming a lightning-like birthmark on one side of his face.

Perhaps growing up with this birthmark since childhood, Wang Jiahao has been used to its company and can accept it well. However, this peace was shattered during his college years. When I was in college, I was looking for a part-time job, and the person in charge of the other party asked him: "Can you cover the birthmark on your face and then come to work?" This question left a shadow in Wang Jiahao's mind, he suddenly found that this birthmark will have an impact on his career.

After realizing the problem, Wang decided to have surgery to remove the birthmark. "I have had two operations, but the effect is not satisfactory, there is no change after the operation, and the doctor said that the probability of recurrence will be high, I gave up the idea of surgery to remove the idea." Since I can't get rid of it, I am slowly trying to accept it again as I did when I was a child."

After graduating from university, Wang Jiahao ushered in the highlight of his life. Although his previous work experience made him slightly sad, there were still people who appreciated his uniqueness.

The career of model made him see the value of his face birthmark, when the industry appreciated his style and face birthmark, it also made him pick up the confidence and positive work, the birthmark as a personal identification, is the best show of his career.

"I once did a shoot for a fashion brand and found out after the shoot that the whole birthmark on my face had been removed by post-retouching. But this time I did not feel unhappy because of other people's disapproval as before, but calmly accepted the result. When I realized that my birthmark had a certain style of presentation, I began to take a rational attitude toward work and evaluations that didn't suit me. I can't force everyone and everything to accept me, I just want to follow the path that suits me."

Now as a model, Wang Jiahao no longer questions himself for the existence of birthmarks, but uses flaws to transform imperfections into beauty. Turning the birthmark into the wings of a butterfly, we found the possibility of more varied beauty on the basis of retaining the existing state.

If you want others to accept you, you must first learn self-acceptance and self-appreciation. While constantly reconciling with the defects, Wang Jiahao also found the meaning of the existence of the beauty of defects.

"This is my birthmark."

"It's also a sea of blooming flowers."

From birth, Samantha had a birthmark all over her shoulder and left arm. In her memory from childhood, this birthmark seemed to label her as a "loner". In kindergarten, the teacher once asked everyone to cross the street hand in hand, but the child next to Samantha would not hold her hand after seeing her birthmark, which made her feel sad, and it was the first time she felt that she was so different from others.

From her teenage years to her college career, the shadow of the birthmark still haunted Samantha, but as an adult she finally made the determination to remove it, that is, to go to the hospital to have it removed by laser. But unexpectedly, this experience has completely changed her view of her own birthmark.

As the hospital prepared for surgery, Samantha saw the younger girls in the row of seats next to the consulting room. "They had ponytails and school uniforms, and in them I saw me as a child. Watching them undergo surgery at such a young age, I can't help but ask myself, will the world they live in really be better after the birthmark is removed? This will certainly lead them to believe that homogenizing themselves with others is a kind of happiness." At this moment, Samantha did not want to set such an example for them as a sister. As she calmly walked out of the hospital and looked at her birthmark, Samantha felt incredibly relieved.

When people come out of their own entanglement, they can really get a lot of different feelings. In the past, Samantha always thought that God did not favor her enough, but now she is grateful for the kindness and love around her.

After college, Samantha came to the United States. In New York's Times Square, she bravely took off her denim jacket for the first time, wearing only a tank top to reveal a large birthmark on her arm. People passing by saw it, and did not look at it differently, but cast an appreciative eye to her, and shouted at her.

This experience also made Samantha more confident, and then she began to become a model, hoping to show her special color to people. "At fashion Week, when I walk down the runway and in the street with my birthmark on, and everyone likes me, I feel so cool."

In Samantha's memos, two quotes have been preserved -- if the gap between your teeth is wide, show it; If you're tall, wear more heels. Indeed, from the moment she began to truly realize her flawed beauty, she finally found that many people in this world had expressed simple appreciation for her. Those seemingly "unsociable" flaws, in Samantha's eyes today, are the source of her personality and self-confidence.

"This is my eyelid splitting mole around my eye."

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