Opportunities in AI large model applications

Satellite rocket measurement and control companies, rocket module or engine components companies that do 3D printing, satellite data derivative applications companies...

In the future, Nansha will also form a more complete upstream and downstream industrial chain of commercial space rockets, and continue to help "Guangdong brand" rockets far ahead.

Xiang Zebin introduced that China Aerospace is also working hard to develop the Lijian 2 liquid carrier rocket, which is expected to carry out its first flight in 2025, the first flight is intended to carry a low-cost cargo spacecraft, and plans to complete the rocket stage and booster recovery in 2027.

Guangzhou Nansha rocket manufacturing, is constantly running out of innovation "acceleration". According to Fan, suborbital vehicles capable of scientific experiments and space tourism are already under development.

Towards a life of "not losing contact"

At the moment, the "sky" thing is being beaten by the satellite. What does the satellite have to do with our lives?

In fact, these satellites launched by rockets, the role of our lives is not small. They are like pairs of eyes that "monitor" the Earth from space.

When the number of satellites launched is higher, the faster the "satellite Internet" can be formed, helping the development of communications, navigation, remote sensing, and fostering new quality of productivity, which greatly facilitates our lives.

For example, with the development of navigation systems, autonomous vehicles can send us to our destinations more accurately, truly freeing our "hands" and facilitating our travel.

When looking for a car in the parking lot, we can find the location of the vehicle through satellite navigation, and no longer have to worry about their "memory loss".

And when the ground signal is bad, we can still make satellite phone calls. Even if you run to remote corners such as the North Pole and Antarctica, you will not lose contact.

More importantly, when natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes occur, the satellite "sky eye" system can help us quickly monitor the situation in the disaster area, so as to guide the delivery of materials and rescue more scientifically and efficiently.

With the development of commercial space in the Greater Bay Area, a more intelligent, convenient and safe life is becoming a reality.In the era of AI large model application, how to capture the decisive investment outlet?

On May 14, GPT-4o appeared, which means that the generative AI technology represented by the large model continues to upgrade and iterate, and the AI application accelerates the breakthrough. However, in the current innovation cycle dominated by AI big models, the big model application model is still the focus of many enterprises.

Recently, Huatai Securities research report pointed out that in the innovation cycle represented by the large model, the AI application mode is mainly in the form of "AI+" (technology enterprises in the AI technology enabling industry) and "+AI" (enterprises using AI technology).

Based on these two AI application prospects, AI is still the core investment direction. It is recommended to look for opportunities in the order of computing infrastructure, hardware carriers such as AI PCS, large model platforms, and AI applications.

Opportunities in AI large model applications

AI technology is developing by leaps and bounds, and the generalization ability of AI large models is accelerating. At present, the newly released GPT-4o of OpenAI company brings greater generalization ability through the unified hybrid training of text,

audio and visual three modes, and can reason about audio, vision and text in real time, marking the continuous progress of AI large model application to a more natural human-computer interaction.

The launch of GPT-4o has further promoted the prosperity of AI applications, and the prospect of innovative applications dominated by AI large models is also expected to open new imagination space.

For different enterprises, the application mode of AI big model is mainly based on "AI+" and "+AI", wherein "AI+" takes AI technology as the core and reconstructs the existing business; "+AI" is based on the existing business as the core,

with the help of AI to reduce costs and increase efficiency, aiming at business improvement. With the enhancement of AI technology and AI application capabilities, Huatai Securities believes that both "+AI" and "AI+" may obtain considerable value.

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