People-centered as the value orientation

Focusing and identifying problems must start from the actual needs of society, rather than from the interests and advantages of researchers, not only to prevent "pseudo-problem" research,

but also to avoid the narrow and one-sided major realistic problems. Second, serve the national strategy. Wisdom for the country, policy for the people. Serving the national strategy is the main responsibility of think tanks.

They take serving the national strategy as their own responsibility, focus on major strategic issues, adhere to the combination of serving the national strategy and encouraging free exploration, serve the country with knowledge,

participate in governance with research, and play their due role in realizing Chinese-style modernization. Third, we must work for the people. To adhere to the research stance of learning for the people,

to establish a people-centered research orientation, to combine the academic ideals and intellectual pursuits of researchers with the future of the country and the destiny of the nation, and with the well-being of the people,

and to organically integrate a grand historical vision and selflessness, is the value pursuit of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics, and is also a strength.

Confidently and consciously follow the path of differentiated development. The formation of autonomy is an important symbol of the maturity and growth of a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics.

To adhere to autonomy, we must not only confidently explore the path of think tank construction suitable for China's development, and clearly demonstrate its characteristics and advantages, but also consciously anchor the goal of Chinese-style modernization,

gather basic functions, perform the main job and business, and avoid similar competition and repeated construction. Serving the national strategy is the distinctive feature and main function of the new think tank,

and the political nature of the country determines the distinctive political attribute of the think tank. To build a new type of think tank, we must break away from the path dependence of western modern think tank research and speak clearly about politics.

Fundamentally speaking, the biggest feature and advantage of the new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics lies in its research position of learning for the people, and the people's nature is the essential attribute and fundamental characteristic of Chinese think tanks.

To build a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics, we must clearly understand the two basic issues of "what to study" and "for whom to study", play a leading role in key issues,

serve the major needs of knowledge evolution and national strategy, and cannot be limited to various rankings, or even lose strategic direction, and be keen on fragmented research on so-called "hot" issues.

The autonomy of the construction of a new type of think tank is also manifested in consciously distinguishing itself from other knowledge production and application institutions, adhering to the basic function of serving the society,

developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and strengthening and expanding the main function. From the perspective of the state's classification regulation of knowledge, the functions of think tanks, universities and scientific research institutions overlap objectively,

but the focus of attention of different institutions is still different. Taking the research object as an example, the modern discipline system is the cornerstone of the professional establishment of colleges and departments,

and the discipline construction is the basic support for scientific research, education and social service in colleges and universities. For think tanks, the research object is the real problem, the problem is generally complex,

adhere to the problem orientation can not only use the discipline perspective to solve the problem. Think tank research has interdisciplinary characteristics from the beginning, which requires interdisciplinary talent reserve and system design.

At present, the basic theoretical research of think tank construction in our country is obviously insufficient, and the autonomy of think tank construction is still weak. Whether it is in the construction of new think tank evaluation system,

or in the specification of decision-making advisory service supply system, there is a large room for improvement.Deeply grasp and practice the concept of "people-centered" cultural development

"Adhere to the people-oriented creation orientation and introduce more excellent works that enhance the spiritual strength of the people", which provides guidelines and points out the direction for us to deeply grasp and better practice the concept of "people-centered" cultural development, prosper and develop cultural undertakings and cultural industries, and meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

People-centered as the value orientation

As the creators and witnesses of history, the people deserve to be the writers and protagonists of history, and they are also the main relying force for building a strong cultural country.

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