the international development of social think tanks needs to further promote the internationalization of organizational structure

the core element of the international development of social think tanks is the internationalization of researchers. In the context of the accelerated flow of global talents, the injection of international talents is conducive to the advancement of the internationalization process of think tanks.

The internationalization of social think tanks needs to gather outstanding experts and scholars at home and abroad to form an international research team and network, and continue to conduct research in China and related fields of globalization from an international perspective, which is an important basis for social think tanks to achieve internationalization.

Third, the international development of social think tanks needs to further promote the internationalization of organizational structure.

Cooperation in establishing overseas research institutions and realizing the internationalization of institutions is an effective organizational guarantee and environmental support for the internationalization of think tanks.

In terms of soft environment, the internationalization of organizational structure can ensure the broad vision and inclusive environment of the organization itself. From the perspective of hard power,

the internationalization of organizational structure is the platform guarantee for the institution to take the step of internationalization and go abroad to carry out research and cooperation.

Fourth, the international development of social think tanks needs to build an international communication platform to realize the internationalization of the influence of think tanks' ideological products.

In the new media era, the important path for think tanks to establish international influence is the international dissemination of think tanks' achievements and the internationalization of the influence of thought products.

Compared with think tanks in western developed countries, there is still a certain gap in the international communication power of Chinese think tanks, and the communication efficiency and effect are not ideal in general, which affects the internationalization process of social think tanks and the construction of global discourse power.

The focus of promoting international construction

Internationalization is a necessary way to enhance the international influence of social think tanks, and social think tanks with international influence are important platforms for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries in the new era.

As an important actor of China's public diplomacy in the new era, social think tanks play an important role in consolidating the friendly public opinion and social foundation of state-state relations.

Promoting the extensive integration of social think tanks into the international cooperation network and creating a new platform for international exchange and cooperation of think tanks is an important path to expand China's national soft power.

First, based on its own characteristics, formulate an internationalization strategy that suits its own development needs. Under the conditions of the new era, the trend of internationalization of domestic politics and internalization of international politics has emerged,

and it is no longer helpful to produce policy knowledge products that meet the needs of the era of globalization only to focus on domestic issues. In the era of globalization, it is no longer possible to work behind closed doors.

An international perspective is an important prerequisite for generating effective and influential local ideas, which requires social think tanks to have an international perspective and pattern.

Second, strengthen foreign exchanges and expand the international circle of friends. Social think tanks have relatively limited resources, which requires them to rely on diversified partners to achieve international development.

The flexibility of the activity mechanism of social think tanks is conducive to the realization of multiple paths to build an international circle of friends. High-end forums, closed-door meetings, project cooperation,

personnel exchanges, and exchanges of ideas and products are all possible ways to try. Diverse interaction based on the exchange of people and ideas is an important cornerstone for building the international community network, and an important channel for deepening understanding and reducing miscalculation among countries.

Third, promote institutions to "go global" and achieve the layout of overseas locations. The "introduced" cooperation mode of social think tanks is relatively common, but the real "going out" is still in the trial stage and needs to be further explored.

Although the convenience of the Internet allows global people-to-people exchanges to break through geographical limitations, details are often the key variable in international exchanges.

In actual operation, although the internationalization of institutions is subject to many objective factors such as funds and personnel, "going out" is still an important way for social think tanks to achieve internationalization.

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