Chinese modernization has proved the scientificity and correctness of Marxist modernization theory

Fourth, strengthen international communication and win international influence. Influence is the core competitiveness of think tank to survive, and international communication ability represents the active degree of think tank in the international arena to a large extent,

and is an important index to evaluate the influence of think tank. The important intermediary from action to influence is the international communication channel. In this field, social think tanks need to give full play to their flexibility and innovation,

break a new road in the use of new technologies to build a platform for global communication, improve the communication efficiency and effect of their own ideological products,

and then promote the process of internationalization of think tanks and the construction of global discourse power.The significance of the development history of socialism in Chinese modernization

This is the latest interpretation of Chinese-style modernization, and it is a clear definition of the deepening and development of the proposition of the Chinese-style modernization path in the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements and historical Experience of the Party's Century-long Struggle (hereinafter referred to as the Resolution),

and of the intrinsic logic and external characteristics of Chinese-style modernization. This definition has great theoretical significance and practical guiding role, which is conducive to an accurate understanding and grasp of the Chinese modernization from the ideological concept,

and adhere to and promote the Chinese modernization from the practical path. The statement that Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization enrichis and integrates the theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics into Chinese-style modernization,

and understands and promotes the theory and practice of Chinese-style modernization in the history of the development of scientific socialism, demonstrating the important significance of Chinese-style modernization in promoting the world socialist movement.

The decade of the New Era is a decade in which the Communist Party of China (CPC) has led the Chinese people in advancing and expanding Chinese-style modernization.

Therefore, in order to accurately grasp the historical status and world significance of Chinese modernization, we must understand from the height of the milestone significance of Chinese modernization in the history of socialist development.

Chinese modernization has proved the scientificity and correctness of Marxist modernization theory

Marxist classical writers have made a thorough investigation and scientific analysis of the world history since modern times, and divided the theory and practice of modernization since modern times into two stages:

capitalist and bourgeois modernization, socialist and proletarian modernization. The modern bourgeoisie carried out a revolutionary deconstruction of the feudal society, started the process of modernization,

and established modern industry, modern state and modern society. But capitalist and bourgeois modernization is not complete modernization, it is modernization on the premises of private property and as a result of polarization.

This incomplete modernization also requires a new modernization replacement, a task that can only be accomplished by the proletariat through the socialist road. Capitalism and bourgeois modernization forge the class force of the second stage of modernization:

the modern proletariat. The Communist Manifesto said: "The bourgeoisie has not only forged the weapons that will kill it; it has also produced the people who will wield them - the modern worker, the proletarian.

" Lenin called the highest stage of capitalist modernization the imperialist stage, and expounded that capitalism as imperialism not only cannot promote the modernization process of world history, but has become a reactionary force in the modernization process.

After capitalism has entered the highest stage of imperialism, its decadence and parasitism have reached the extreme, it is impossible to promote modernization, and it is necessary to replace capitalist and bourgeois modernization with socialist and proletarian modernization.

Before 1917, the Chinese people followed the road of the first stage of modernization, that is, the road of capitalist modernization, and history has proved that this road is impossible to follow.

"The sound of the October Revolution brought us Marxism-Leninism." China has entered the second stage of modernization, that is, the stage of socialist modernization. After the failure of the first stage of modernization,

the second stage of modernization has made great achievements, and finally explored and formed the Chinese modernization road and Chinese modernization theory and practice. The success of this path has proved to be the scientific prediction of classic Marxist writers about the decline of the power and effectiveness of capitalist modernization, the rise of socialist modernization and the eventual success of socialist modernization.

The Chinese-style modernization has demonstrated the comparative advantages of socialist modernization

After 1917, modernization in the course of world history entered a complex stage of "double superposition", that is, capitalist and bourgeois modernization did not end, socialist and proletarian modernization began.

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